Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's New Years Eve and I am finally back to putting out some info.....

At Winn Dixie, if you have a reward can purchase two Tombstone Pizza's for $11.58 and get four items free....Winn Dixie Garlic Bread Sticks, Farm Rich Mozzarella Sticks, 2 liter coke product and 48 0unce Breyers ice cream. One per transaction. I bought one yesterday and one today with no problems. In the WinnDixie on HWY 49....all items are together in the left corner front side of the store, by the frozen foods. Just thought I would let you all know..if anyone reads this anymore.

Happy New year to all.

If you find time in the next month or so stop by the Boyington Nursing Home and visit with Kathy Saucier, Valene Frisby and Bro. Michael Scott. One trip and you get three visits in!

Also, Sis. Grimes could use some visits or phone calls too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We had the most delightful Relief Society Meeting last night. I am so sorry that we were missing so many wonderful sisters to add to the joy. We spoke about service and the "joy" day to day service can bring to our lives. Sis. Auger gave a beautiful talk about service. We all were deeply touched by her testimony. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. We also did a little service survey with Sis. Soule. It was fun and delightful and brought out the fact that we perform service daily in our lives and do not even realize it. We then put our candy in our jars to represent all the service performed. We will divide it up into three containers and present them to the Primany Leaders, YW leaders and Bishopric to thanks them for all the service they do for us.
This Sunday [Nov. 15th] we will be learning from lesson 45 in RS. Sis. Butler will be our teacher. She is a wonderfully spritual teacher.
We are having a Thanksgiving Dinner at the church on Thanksgiving day for all who want to attend. It will be from 2 -4pm. Come and join us if you want to and bring some food to share!
We will have a fun time.
Have a wonderful week! We love you all very much!
Sis. Grimes and Sis. Dodge still need our thoughts and prayers! Give a them a call if you can!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Annual Fall Festival is today at 3pm-5pm at the church. It is also the Chili Cook-off.
So, if you are making chili for the contest you better get it started. The YM/YW will be helping out with the booths for the younger children. Should be a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is Fast Sunday and also the day to turn your clocks back one hour. We will have an extra hour to get our selves and family ready for church. I always love the extra hour! Actually sometimes I think it is harder because I goof off too much and then I am almost late.

I will be teaching in RS tomorrow. We will be discussing the talk by Sis. Beck from the Womens Conference.

We will be having a Ward Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving day from 2 to 4 pm.

Also, there is a Relief Society Week night Meeting on the 10th of November at 6:30 pm. It is a night of service. Actually, we ask that you do service up until that night and we will fill up a jar or jars with candy for every act of service performed by then. The service can be as simple as smiling at someone who seems to need a smile or something more. It is up to you what you do.
Last year on President Monson's Birthday he asked all to do a service for someone rather than something for him. So in that feeling of giving at this season of Thanksgiving, and since we have so much, we can share and do something to help someone....even if it is not yelling at our children when we are tired.
We will put the candy in the jars in private and you alone will judge how much to put it. If it is a one piece service or perhaps one that should rate more...the choice is yours.
We hope to see you there. We will have some light refreshments and we will share some of our feelings etc. It will be a wonderful relaxed evening!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday was a extra wonderful day..the weather beautiful and uplifting. The talks in Sacrament were wonderful as well as the lessons in Sunday School and Relief Society. We want to thank Sis. Peggy Morris for teaching the lesson for us in RS. We learned so much!
Sis. Lisa Waits is the new Sunday School teacher for the adults. Pat Head has been released from that calling after four years as an outstanding teacher. Pat is now our Visiting Teaching Supervisor over all Visiting Teaching. Hurray!!!
We are now in the process of contacting all VT's to find out how your VT is going and if you have any needs or concerns. If you need to talk to me about your VT call me...8312 8128

Sis. Melonie Wade is now in charge of the Relief Society Newsletter. If there is anything you need published in the Newsletter, please contact one of us!

I spoke with Sis. Dodge and she has taken a turn for the worse again and cannot walk. She sounds somewhat upbeat at the moment. It has been around 3 months since she was first taken ill.

Bro. Scott is still in intensive care as of Sunday when we went to see him. He is medicated and mostly sleeping. However his family is near by keeping vigil and praying.

Sis. Hunter's KEMO is on hold as her blood count is not up to where it should be. She is also mostly home bound.

Sis. Grimes is getting better but still has some health issues.

If you can find a moment, a call or short little card to any one of these sisters or families would be so appreciated.

On the bright side of things...Sis. Shaw will have her final surgery on the 6th of November.
Beth Berry's grandson came home from the hospital and he is doing very well.
Sis. Donna Allen had a grandson also. She was able to travel to Las Vegas to be with her daughter and grandchildren We are happy for their bright good news.

Next Sunday [Oct. 25th] our lesson will be from the article by Jffrey R. Holland...intitled....None Were With Him. Sis. Linda Ware will be our guest teacher.
Have a delightfully wonderful week!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Jen Ingram taught the lesson from the Joseph Smith Manual. The lesson was about families....having eternal loving families. Joseph Smith loved his parents and wife and children very much. I hope you will take the time to read over it. Sis. Ingram is a great teacher! The lesson contains many tips and encouragement in making our families more loving and strong.

Sis. Dodge is feeling better!
Sis. Corley's sister died earlier this week. Her brother died earlier this past year.
Sis. Hunter is home in Long Beach now and doing well as she continues her KEMO therapy.
Bro. Mike Scott is still in intensive care at Garden Park hospital.
Please keep all of them in your prayers.

We missed so many of you today. I do not want to say your names but I noticed you were not there and I hope you are doing okay and pray you will be with us next week.

Sis. Berry's little grandson will be born Tuesday morning. She is very excited! We all are.

We are going to have to say good bye to the Chipman family. They are returning to Utah.
They will be missed by all.
Also moving this week is dear Sis. York. As you know her husband died earlier in the year. She is moving to Alabama with her son and his family.

Hope you all have a good week!
Don't forget to get your VT done!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tomorrow...Sunday October the Ward Linger Longer! I am reminding all of you because I forgot myself. Remind all your Visitng Teaching sisters and lets make it a happy day and remember to help with the clean up!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just a quick note....
Bro. Mike Scott is in the ICU. He is stablized and at the moment Frances says things are looking better. Please keep the family in your prayers. He has some type of septic blood desease.

I hope you were all able to watch conference. It was wonderful as usual.

We also had a baptism Saturday between sessions. Sis Angela Polk was baptized by her brother. Her family came into town from Georgia. It was a wonderful and very spiritual baptism. I wish more could have been there. Be sure to welcome her in next Sunday in Relief Society. I miss the good old days where everyone would show up for a baptism!!!! What happened.....are we just so busy or not getting the info out to people enough...maybe a little of both! I knew it was going to happen but didn't know about the time until late the evening before. We need to work on getting the news out etc.

Next sunday the lesson will be #42 from the Joseph Smith Manual. Sis. Ingram will be the teacher. Hope we can find time to read it before hand.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here it is October 1st and I am finally getting around to adding some new exciting words....maybe!
I hurt my arm and couldn't type for a while with out extreme pain...still a little pain but better.
Did much happen this past month...
The Chipmans are moving in a few weeks back to Utah. We will miss them! Who will scream when I come near, if not sweet little Lisle....she has the brightest smile, until I get near!
If you have any boxes please let Danny know. She could use a few.
Also, the Chipmans have been renting the Roys home and now it needs a new renter. If you are looking to rent a home in Long Beach....let Danny Chipman know. The Roys are in Spain right now and really need to get it rented out as soon as possible.
Sis. Penny Koon fell down a few weeks ago and is still suffering. You might want to give her a call or stop by to see her.
Sis. Dodge is very ill and would love phone calls or cards too. She is very slowly recovering.
Sis. Grimes has also been under the weather...she has heart problems and would love calls or letters or visits too.
If there is anyone else out there....let me know.
Beth Berry will be a grandma for the first time Tuesday October 13th....a little boy! Congrats to her and her family.
Sis. Soule had baby Caitland [not sure of spelling] September 19th. She was 9 pounds and 6 ounces. She had some health issues and was in the hospital for almost a week. She is doing well now and we are all thrilled!!!!
This next Weekend...October 3rd and 4th is General Conference. It will be broadcast at church at 11 am and 3 pm. The priesthood session is at 7pm Saturday night. Sunday the times will be 11 and 3. It will be broadcast on TV if you get the BYU station at the same times. The Priesthood session is not broadcast however, so send your men to attend!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Heath Gentry's Dad died Tuesday morning around 8am. Heath and Pam will be arriving Thursday. I know this must be adifficult time for the family.
Sis. Terri Garrett, the Stake President's wife will have surgery Thursday morning. It was supposed to be today but was posponed. She has cancer in one of her kidneys.
Times are crazy for so many in our Stake and Ward.....keep your prayers going...and going...we all need them!

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Bishop spoke to the combined Relief Society/Priesthood about Food Storage and Prepardness. Sis. Herrin gave a presentation on having a 72 hour kit all ready to go!
Sis. Perrins spoke on the importance of having food storage and finances etc.
Bro. Capps demonstrated and discussed the use of mylar bags and cans. We do have a manual dry pack canner in our ward. The cans, lids, and supplies can be purchased at the Storehouse in Slidell or ordered on line at
The hurricane season is nearing the peak season....we have had a calm summer but the season is not over yet. Please prepare yourselves as well as you can. You will feel such peace in your hearts if you are prepared as well as being in a comfortable situation if and when a storm or some other difficulity comes into your life.
Next Sunday Sis. Beth Berry will be our teacher. It is also Fast Sunday. We will have two fast Sundays in September due to General Conference the first weekend in October.
Sis. Dodge is still in Gardon Park hospital as of Monday morning. She may be moved to a a rehab center in the next few days. She is in great pain. Please remember her when you say your prayers.
Sis. Marsha Shaw knitted some beautiful hats for Sis. Hunter. I am unable to contact Sis. Hunter as I have misplaced her phone number. If anyone out there has it please contact me so I can get the hats and scarfs donated by so many wonderful sisters to her. Thank you very much!
Also...Sis. Shiela Wood has discovered she has Chinese Drywall in her home. All of her things are contaminated with it. She has had to move into an apartment while decisions are made on her home. Please contact her if you have any house hold things you may want to donate to her. She has been very ill and that led to the discovery of the Drywall contaimnation in her new home. She also lost many of her things in Katrina. Still..she smiles and we love her for her beautiful example!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday the lesson was taught by Sis. was a great lesson on Service and the joy we recieve as we do it. How blessed are we in our church to have so many opportunities for service...meals for others, rides to doctors, phone calls, letters, missions, supporting missionaries, Visiting Teaching, callings etc....the list could go on and on. We all grow and learn and grow some more as we do the best we can with the opportunities of service presented to us. And I think the Father does present them to us as presents...he wants us to learn, to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones. Service is a precious gift to us for our growth.

Next Sunday...Aug. 30th.....we will meet with the Priesthood to discuss the prepardness of us as a ward and as indivdual families. We will be meeting in the chapel!

Sis. Dodge was moved out of ICU into a regular room at Garden Park. Please call before visiting as she is not very strong and may not be up to a visit. Please remembe her in your prayers.

Sis. Shiela Wood has discovered her home is riddled with Chinese Dry Wall. As you know she has been suffering with much illness as of lately....and now they know it relates to the dry wall. She has had to move out of her home into an apartment. She lost most of her things in Katrina and now most of her things again. As usual she is up beat and delightful and wonderful. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.

Remember to attend the YW's fashion show Saturday at 10 am. The girls have been making clothes and will model them for us. And they will even feed us some light refreshments.

September is "Member September Month" all ward members are encouraged to do their Visiting teaching as early as possible and then to visit one extra person or family or more. Please report the extra visits to me, Toni Willson. I will then pass the info on to the Bishop!
Thanks for all that all of you wonderful sisters do!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wonderful news to report today...
Ralph and Pat Head have a new grandson. He was born August 6th and weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. His name is Kyle James David Head and he was born in Salem, New Hampshire to Kyle and Nicole Head. He is the 17th grandchild for the Head family! Congratulations!!!! Pat was able to travel to Salem and get to hold that new little fellow!
Thanks to Pat for calling me with the news!
If you have any info you would like to share...give me a call....831 8128.
Just a reminder that next Saturday [Aug. 29th] the Young women are having a Fashion Show at 10am in the cultural hall. All sisters are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. The girls have been sewing up a storm and are excited to model what they have made. Even if you do not have a daughter in YW's...come and let them know we love and support them! I am sure it will be a delightful morning.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunday August 23rd our lesson will be "Unselfish Service" by Dallin H. Oaks. Sis. Brenda Roberts will be our guest teacher. You can read this talk on line or in the May 2009 magazine. It is taken from a talk given at the April Conference in Salt Lake.
Sis. Carolyn Dodge is in Garden Park Hospital. She is in intensive care and at this time can have no visitors. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers. As of yet the doctors are still running tests and have not found the cause of her illness.
I want to thank Jaimie Anderson for her wonderful lesson Sunday. We really appreciate her and her willingness to teach.
Shay Beland had her baby Monday around two in the afternoon. She had a girl and named her Summer Rose. I think that is the name...but you know me and names! All are well. We wish her a speedy recovery and return to church.
Is there anyone who would like to take over this blog? You will need to be a self starter. I wish I had more particpation in this and do wonder if this info helps anyone. I know it could be more.
This is not my talent! If interested please contact me!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just wanted to remind you all that this Saturday there will be a Ward Social at Flint Creek in Wiggins. It begins at 10 am. The ward will provide hamburgers and hotdogs and asks if you go to bring side dishes to share. There will be the opportuntiy to swim and sun and there is even a bathroom near by. The cost is 1 or 2 dollars per vehicle to get in. Contact Bro. Stewart or Bro. Hillman if you are interested in attending and need more infomation.
Have Fun!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It is Tuesday already...I have had family visiting most of the summer and it has been blissful!
However, I have really let my church responsibilities fall a little. Please be patient with me as I try to get back into doing all I should be doing!
The lesson Sunday was wonderful as usual. Sis. Ingram taught a beautiful and interesting lesson.
It was on the Wentworth Letter. In this letter the Prophet Joseph shares the Articles of Faith.
If you have a it!
We are going to try some smaller Enrichment groups again....maybe a "Book Club" or basic sewing or crocheting etc..... A excersize group possibly. Do any of you have any interests etc....we should explore? They will just be smal groups for those who are interested.
Any volunteers to lead or attend these activities?
We are always open to suggestions. Can anyone recommend a book we could read? Doen't have to be a church book.
Give me a call or send me an I will be waiting!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just in from Sis. Marsha Shaw...her Father made it through the surgery and is recovering well.
He is 88 years old so we still need to keep them in our prayers.
Also remember Sis. Astrid Hunter. I will call her tomorrow to see how she is doing.
Hope everyone has a great rest of Thursday. See you Sunday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sis. Marsha Shaw's father will have emergency surgery today at 6 our time. He is 88 and fell and broke his hip. Please keep them in your prayers. He lives in Arizona.

Sis. Frisby is doing well and has returned to the nursing home. Beth and I visited with her Monday. She looked wonderful and was as happy and bright eyed as she always is. She can speak but the words she wants to say do not come out exactly. She is aware of that. Her mind seems bright and allert. She loves visits! She is back at the Boyington. If you stop by to visit her you can visit Kathy Saucier as well. They both reside at the Boyington on Broad Ave. It is located North of Memorial Hospital on the right side of the road.

This next sunday[Aug. 9th] our teacher will be Sis. Ingram and the lesson will be #38...The Wentworth Letter. It would be wonderful if we all tried to read it before hand.

I must apologize that the newsletter is late in coming. It was my fault. It will be printed up tonight and I will get them on all the doors so you can pick one up!

Please remembe to get your VT done for August and if you did it for July call your supervisor so we can get it into the computer for the report on time.
Thanks to all!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thanks to all who participated in the lesson today! It was a great help to me!
We are going to miss Susan Knox for the next 6 months or so as she joins the many from our Ward who have been deployed lately. We have many sisters in our ward whose husbands are gone or who will be leaving in the next week or so. If you know them please give them your help and support.
Thanks to Danny Chipman for sending a scarf for Sis. Hunter. Sis. Shaw has volunteered to crochet a hat. Thanks!
Sis. Valene Frisbee had a stroke Saturday morning. She is in Memorial Hospital on the forth floor. She would love to have visitors. She is doing faily well but has lost her ability to speak. It is possible it may return with time. Please keep her in your prayers as well as all our sisters. We missed her cheerful voice in RS today as she usually shares her "Happy News" each week.
Sis. Peggy Margan and Sis. Jill Niven have moved from our Ward. We wish them the best. They will be missed.
Sis. Peggy Thomas had a baby girl July 16th. She named her Madeline. She says she is a wonderful, beautiful baby. We are so happy for her and her family!
This morning Sis. Carol Curry went to Hattiesburg for the blessing of her newest Grandson, Cayden. He is the son of Jackie Curry Fitzgerald and husband. Cayden has three older sisters who are very happy to have a baby brother to love.
Plase let me know if you have any news to share...good or bad...or just something you want to announce! Thanks!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It is so hard to believe it is August already...where does the time go?
Melonie had a wonderful shower Tuesday night. The baby is adorable! Melonie looked wonderful! We missed those of you who were not there!
Tomorrow in RS the lesson will be taught by me, Toni Willson. And unless I change subjects at the last moment the lesson will be on Prayer and having prayer in our hearts all the time. If you have any experiences you would like to share...I will give you the opportunity to do so tomorrow in class. could give a little prayer for me that I will say the things I should say with inspiration!
We are very blessed in our Ward to have so many wonderful sisters like you! Thanks for all that you do in public as well as private. I am ever so impressed.
Remember if you have a scarf or soft hat you would like to donate to Sis. Hunter please bring them to me tomorrow! I will see that they are given to her.
Thanks again for all the service you all daily! You do make the ward a better place!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today was a delightful day in Relief Society. We had a wonderful lesson given by Sis. Margan from a talk by Richard G. Scott. It was entitled...Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need. Hopefully you will find the time to read it in your May conference magazine or on the internet.
Sis. Hunter will be under going Kemo and is in need of scarves or cute comfortable knit hats to wear to cover her head as her hair falls out. If you have any...please get them to me so I can get them to her. Give me a call at 831-8128 or bring them to me at church. Thanks in advance! You could give her a call to let her know you are thinking about her at 222-1382. This is her cell number. She is staying with her sister in D'Iberville. We could send cards. I will get her address and post it on the blog.
We have many new sisters in Relief Society and we are so happy to have them in our area! We also have many sisters in our area who were not there today. Please contact them and let them know we missed seeing them!
On Tuesday night [July28th] at 6:30 pm there is a baby shower for Melanie Wade and baby Isabella at the Curry home. Everyone is invited!
Hope you had a wonderful day today!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today we have a new baby in the ward!!!! Melonie and Jeff Wade's baby arrived early this afternoon. She was a little early in arriving...about 3 weeks or so. She is 5 pounds and I think 12 ounces. I could have that wrong. They named her Isabella Nicole Wade. I am sure she is just as adorable as the other Wade children. We wish them the best!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sue Grimes is doing well. She sounds strong and healthy and is happy the operation is over with! We are too!

Beth Berry taught a wonderful lesson in RS today. Our Regular teacher was ill at the last minute and in stepped Beth. It was Lesson number 37 on Charity. I hope that all of you will take the time to read it if you haven't as of yet. What a wonderful example the Prophet Joseph was to his followers then as well as now. He worked overtime to help others who were ill...even taking them into his home to care for them. His life was never easy yet he was such a cheerful giver and leader. He would often have fun activities with the members and then together they would do service for others. He turned the work into a fun bonding time for all.
What an example!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sis. Sue Grimes will have an operation tomorrow morning [Friday 17th]. She should get out of the hospital Saturday morning. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers.

Also Sis. Astrid Hunter is moving back into her home in Long Beach next week. She has recovered from her knee replacement only to discover she has cancer. She will be undergoing some treatments. She also needs our prayers and happy thoughts.

I want to thank all of you who helped with food and especially cleaning up for the Ward Linger Longer. It is so grately appreciated. Sis. Ruthie Wade is forever in the kitchen preparing and cleaning. She is so wonderful in doing this. She truly goes the extra mile....please let he know she is appreciated when you see her.

The stake is holding a Pioneer day Activity at McLoud State park in Waveland....July 25th. Just take the I-10 towards New Orleans and take exit 13, head north about a mile or so. The Stake is providing the meat and asks us to bring sides and a pie if you want to be in the pie contest. Check the flyer on the outer doors to the Church building for more info.

See you Sunday!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Linger Longer Sunday after church...Salads is the can bring what ever you want. See you all there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sis. Charlotte Saucier's funeral is Thursday. The viewing is from 10-12 with the funeral service at 12. It will be at the Riemann Funeral Home on Three Rivers Road.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More sad news to report today! Sis. Charlotte Saucier died this morning at 6am. She was home and surrounded by those who loved her so very much. She has been ill for along time and now she is home with our Father in Heaven. She was the dearest woman...always a wonderful example to all. She was the most loving kind mother and friend and wife. She will always have a place in my heart. She was a member of this ward when I joined the church 38 years ago. She was always so kind and welcoming to me. Please keep the family in your thought and prayers today as well as the families of the many who have passed on in the past few months...
Bro. York, Bro. Robert Anderson, Sis. Patricia Eagan, Sis. Diane Bosarge and now dear Sis. Saucier. They will all be missed and are gratedly loved by many!
Thanks to those who prepared food for all of these funerals. It has been so much appreciated.
Nothing could get done with out the love and support and help of the ward members.
Thank you!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I am back from my mini vacation...only to learn of the passing of Diane Bosarge. Her funeral will be Monday. The viewing is 1- 3pm and the funeral 3pm.
Our thoughts and prayers go to all the family.
I am grateful to Beth Berry and Carol Curry for making all the food arraignments.
I want to thank all the sisters for your willingness to make food for the many funerals we have had lately. You are all the best sisters in the world. Thank you all very much!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sis. Charlotte Saucier is probably not going to improve. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. Bro. Saucier and his family have always given 200% of themselves to anyone and everyone. They are a wonderful family. He and Charlotte have been married for 64 years.
When you have a moment let him know you are thinking of them....give him a call or stop by. Charlotte is home now...there is nothing more that can be done accept to make her comfortable. She sleeps pretty much all the time now. Bro. Saucier will especailly need our love at this time. Charlie and Cathy too. Cathy is in the Boyington nursing home. . .if you have time stop by to see her. Bro. And Sis. Hillman often visit her and can tell you the best time to visit etc.
We have many wonderful people in our ward..I am very grateful to them. I am so thankful to them for all they do. I hope you know who you are!
Have a safe and happy 4th!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I have been very neglectful of this "blog" lately. Lots of craziness in my life!
The only announcement that I really know of is the Primary Activity on Saturday at 8:30 am. There will be breakfast after the children have their activity. Contact a member of the Primary Presidency for more info!
Sis. Charlotte Saucier is not doing well. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and thoughts.
Sis. Dodge is still ill and needs prayers too. She has been battling some serious infections. Give her a call if you have time and let her know you are thinking of her.
Youth Conference is coming up July 9th-11th. It is for youth 14 through 18.
Linger longer will be July 12 after church. The theme this month is "Salads"! Should be delicious.
The next RS sponsored canning day is in early September. It is limited to ten to twelve families and food orders need to be in by the first week of August. If you are interested in canning for food storage contact sis. Perrins at church to place your order. The money is due on the day of the canning.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July holiday! I am so grateful to live in this wonderful US of America. We lived overseas for six years and it was a wonderful experience but there is just something about this wonderful country. Get out and enjoy!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sis. Branda Roy had a baby boy Monday named Nathan Issac. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches. She is doing great.
Great to share wonderful news!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sis. Debbie Albert has a cute little house for rent. The price is $900. dollars a month including the washer and dryer and all utilities. No children however. If you are interested give her a call or call me and I will get you in touch with her. Thanks!
Hope you are all able to keep cool in this crazy heat!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bro. and Sis. Head have a niece who is stationed in Iraq. She has asked for some prayers on her behalf. Her name is Marci Head.
Our June VT message talks about the prayers of rightous woman and how much more we would all be blessed if all sisters prayed each day. Lets pray for her and all our military men and woman serving to protect us and our freedoms all over the world. I am indeed grateful for their service and dedication. We are truly blessed by their efforts each and every day!
I think it is posssible to have a prayer in our hearts at all times. When someones name crosses our minds take that tiny moment and ask our Heavenly Father to bless and watch over them!
We will all be blessed!

Friday, June 19, 2009

This Sunday is the Sunday the Bishop would like to see everyone attend Sacrament if possible. He has set a goal of 300 hundred in please come. There will be great speakers and the primary will sing two songs. I know it will be a wonderful day.
July 4th the Primary is planning an activity at 8:30am. The children can bring bikes or scooters or whatever and papade around. Breakfast will be served after the parade. Contact a memeber of the Primary for more info.
See you Sunday!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sis. Pattie Eagan passed away early Sunday morning. She was a member of our ward. She had a wonderful Visiting Teacher who visited with her and loved her. I am grateful to Sis. Dodge. I am ashamed to say I knew she was ill and was always going to visit her and yet I did not. I had made arraingements to go today last week, but it is now too late. I would encourage all of us to listen to the spirit that speaks to us and not put off the things we know we should do. I should have gone sooner. I missed out on that opportunity to visit a dear sister. Now it is too late.
Sis. Dodge has been ill and still she always get her VT done. What an example she is to all of us.
I am thankful to all of you wonderful sisters who faithfully fufill your calling as VT's or whatever it may be. You are such wonderful examples to me. I hope to do better!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just want to remind you all that Sunday is the Linger Longer Pot Luck Social right after church. The theme is "Dad's Favorites". So bring something Dad will like.

Please remember that all of it has to be cleaned up. Take you dish home dirty. It is only one for you to wash but for the kitchen help it is a lot to wash. The same sisters end up in the kitchen each month. Your help would be so appreciated. We love Sis. Ruthie Wade...she really works hard to prepare the food to go out and lots of washing and cleaning of the kitchen. We truly appreciate your bringing the food so we can all have a wonderful time. We are all in this together! Also if you are missing dishes or pans from past linger longers or from providing food for families...look in the kitchen and take home your things.

We also love the Priesthood holders who help put up the tables and take them down and vacuum etc. We do have a great ward but we could do a little better in the clean up department!

Remember this is the Lord's house. I wonder what he feels like when we leave all our messes all over the church. How would we feel if someone came to our homes and ate on our sofa's and left trash laying on the floor etc. We would probably be a little upset. Need I say more?!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday in Relief Society we welcomed three wonderful Young Women....Megan Hutchinson, Jennifer Flier and Starry Smith. I have always been impressed by these newest members of Relief Society. They are wonderful friends to each other, they are smart and kind and caring.
All three will be attending college here. They will be a great blessing to our Relief Society.

Saturday Samantha Anderson Houck had a beautiful girl named Emma. Samantha now lives in the Biloxi ward. We wish her the best! Samantha is the daughter of Sonijh and Sam Anderson.

Sunday, June 14th will be the Ward Linger Longer Pot Luck after church. Please bring a enough food to feed your family and to share. The theme this month is "Dad's Favorites".

June 21st is Fathers Day! The Bishop wants to encourage us to attend that day. He would like to have 300 in attendance if possible. So invite your friends and especially your family and less active members to come that day and really every Sunday. I know one of our speakers will be Sis. Oatman. She is a great speaker. The primary children will be singing as well. And of course we will have a small treat for our fathers.

Have a wonderful week! Also if someone has a small business they would like me to mention..
let me know. I know that Sis. Roberts sells Pampered Chef products, Krisi Curry York has a vinyl letter cutting machine and has good prices. Sis. Debbie Albert has a small company that will do errands for you. Let me know of others and I will post them.

This is Sis. April Hunts last week in our Ward. We will miss her and her delightful family.
We wish them the best in their new assignment in Virginia.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some of you may remember Derek Kim. He is the son of Sis. Richardelle. He is in the MTC now. He is going to Canada..Korean speaking mission. However this is is address if you want to write to him at the MTC...
Elder Derek Kim
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793

He is a wonderful young man and I am sure he will be thrilled to hear from everyone.

This Sunday will be fast Sunday. And the following one...June 14th will be the Linger Longer Pot Luck after church.
Have a great day!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Margan was about gifts...not spiritual gifts as we might think but in a way gifts of life so freely given to us that bless us daily. She talked about those moments when something clicks into place. It could be something we were praying to understand or know. The answer comes and we know. And forever more that moment touches our lives. It could be a simple moment or a big stays in our minds and souls to nourish us.
I was sitting in the Sacrament Meeting...we sit there so my husband can see who comes in as he is the counter of people. It was a crazy day. Lots of children talking, singing and not listening to their parents etc. I remember those days well! Even thought my children are ages 30 to 40. I do have 18 grandchildren. It is different when you are the Mom. Some days you may wonder why you even came to church. How blessed we are to be in a place with so many wonderful children growing and learning. Some may say it is distracting, maybe it can be. Not to me however, If I really pay attention to the speakers I can hear them even from the back. And I do feel the spirit. I have always loved this church because it is a family church. We are all learning and just trying to do our best! I am a convert so I was impressed the very first time I came because the children were not banished to a cry room. I know some will not agree with me and that is okay because well, it takes us all to make a world and a ward. This is my opinion.
I feel very blessed today.
I am trying to read the scriptures daily...because well I kind of forgot for a while. What a difference it makes in my life. If you need an uplift, give it a try.
I am sure some of you are tired of hearing my just let me know yours and we will get them on here. Have a wonderful week!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I must apoloize for all the typing mistakes I make and ask you to over look them and not laugh at me too much about them. I never did learn to type! I do my best!!!!!!
Sis. Curry told me that there will be some special information on Hurricane Prepardness in the Sunday Newspaper. You may want to get the Sunday paper for that information.
Now is the time to prepare...even thought there are no storms heading our way any time never know. If you prepare now you will feel peace when and if we are blessed with one. It is much more difficult to run to the store for supplies when everyone else is shopping at the same time. Things are quickly sold out. You will for sure need Water, babywipes, disinfecting wipes, bleach, food, none electric can openers, trash bags, cash, canned or dried food and snacks etc. If the power goes out for any length of time you will not be able to shop or buy gas or even get money from the bank. Be sure you have extra medications on hand. We live out in the county and were with out power for three weeks after Katrina. Make arrangements early if you are going out of town as hotels fill up quickly. As much as possible keep your car filled with gas. The gas lines are long when evacuations take place and gas is hard to come by.
If you have any tips to share please let me know.
Toni 831-8128

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just a reminder for the wonderful few who read this..
Saturday is our once yearly Super Saturday. It starts at 10am and ends with lunch at 11:45. There will be a lucheon for the Anderson Family at 1pm. So we will have to eat and run so we can get it set up for the family to eat after the funeral.
Sunday we were supposed to meet with the Priesthood as it is the 5th Sunday...however that has been changed and Sis. Peggy Margan will be teaching. I am sure it will be a wonderful lesson. She is a great teacher. And I really thank her for being so willing at such a last date to prepare a lesson.
We have a few new families in our ward....
The Homers, moved here from Waveland and are planning on going to the temple next month! We are so happy for them.The Hinds Family moved in from Indiana. Bro. Hinds is a CB and this is his first assignment. And the Hanson family. He is aso in the CB's. Sis. Hanson is from California and Bro. Hanson from Utah. If you have a chance, take a moment to say Hi!
We are so happy to have them all in our ward!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sister Louise York is in need of a lift chair. Does anyone know of somewhere to get one at a good price? Contact me and I will pass the info on to her!
As many of you know Robert Anderson died last Saturday night. His funeral will be Saturday, May 30th.
The viewing will be from 9 to 11am with a service at 11:30am. It will be in the
Bradford O'Keefe funeral home on O'Neal Rd.
If you would like to help with food to feed the family please contact Sis. Carol Curry.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Hunt family have a lovely home for sale or rent...three bedrooms, two baths and a fenced in back yard. They are in the Navy and being transfered in June. Tell your friends! It is a lovely home. It is in a great location too...just five miles or so from church.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The free concert for Saturday night has been changed to Monday night do to the expected rain...same time and place. At least that is what I heard on the news tonight.

Sis. Penny K. is home now and doing much better,
Sis. Patricia Eagan is in the Drift Wood Nursing home. She would love to have visitors.
Sis. Astrid Hunter is recovering from knee surgery.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sis. Marsha Shaw said there is a FREE concert at Jones Park in Gulfport this Saturday night...May 23rd. There will be a Chorale Concert at 6:30pm and a Symphony Concert at 7:30pm followed by fireworks over the water.
It is suggested you bring your own picnic, blanket and chairs and get there early. She said she went to a recent concert at SMU campus and it was wonderful.
The price is Right!!! Who can beat Free!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Are there any play groups going on right now? Let me know so I can get the word out.

Just a reminder that this Sunday our lesson will be "The Way" by Lawrence E. Corbridge

At our Stake RS Training meeting we were encouraged to complete the Personal Progress experiences and project for the new value "Virtue". Agreat idea.....I haven't seen it yet but I was told you can go online and get a copy. I will try to do that and have some ready for Sunday. We can be young women again! Most of you are still young..oh well.

Don't forget about Enrichment Meeting Saturday the 30th at 10am. We will have lunch too. If you need more info let me know.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I hope this will be an opportunity for all of us to share ideas and opportunities.
If you know of something on sale, or of a job opening. Maybe you need a babysitter or want to babysit...
If you ahve somehting to give away or share or if you ahve some type of need...hopefuly this will be the place to share it.