Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sis. Pattie Eagan passed away early Sunday morning. She was a member of our ward. She had a wonderful Visiting Teacher who visited with her and loved her. I am grateful to Sis. Dodge. I am ashamed to say I knew she was ill and was always going to visit her and yet I did not. I had made arraingements to go today last week, but it is now too late. I would encourage all of us to listen to the spirit that speaks to us and not put off the things we know we should do. I should have gone sooner. I missed out on that opportunity to visit a dear sister. Now it is too late.
Sis. Dodge has been ill and still she always get her VT done. What an example she is to all of us.
I am thankful to all of you wonderful sisters who faithfully fufill your calling as VT's or whatever it may be. You are such wonderful examples to me. I hope to do better!


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