Monday, August 31, 2009

The Bishop spoke to the combined Relief Society/Priesthood about Food Storage and Prepardness. Sis. Herrin gave a presentation on having a 72 hour kit all ready to go!
Sis. Perrins spoke on the importance of having food storage and finances etc.
Bro. Capps demonstrated and discussed the use of mylar bags and cans. We do have a manual dry pack canner in our ward. The cans, lids, and supplies can be purchased at the Storehouse in Slidell or ordered on line at
The hurricane season is nearing the peak season....we have had a calm summer but the season is not over yet. Please prepare yourselves as well as you can. You will feel such peace in your hearts if you are prepared as well as being in a comfortable situation if and when a storm or some other difficulity comes into your life.
Next Sunday Sis. Beth Berry will be our teacher. It is also Fast Sunday. We will have two fast Sundays in September due to General Conference the first weekend in October.
Sis. Dodge is still in Gardon Park hospital as of Monday morning. She may be moved to a a rehab center in the next few days. She is in great pain. Please remember her when you say your prayers.
Sis. Marsha Shaw knitted some beautiful hats for Sis. Hunter. I am unable to contact Sis. Hunter as I have misplaced her phone number. If anyone out there has it please contact me so I can get the hats and scarfs donated by so many wonderful sisters to her. Thank you very much!
Also...Sis. Shiela Wood has discovered she has Chinese Drywall in her home. All of her things are contaminated with it. She has had to move into an apartment while decisions are made on her home. Please contact her if you have any house hold things you may want to donate to her. She has been very ill and that led to the discovery of the Drywall contaimnation in her new home. She also lost many of her things in Katrina. Still..she smiles and we love her for her beautiful example!


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