Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sis. Sue Grimes will have an operation tomorrow morning [Friday 17th]. She should get out of the hospital Saturday morning. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers.

Also Sis. Astrid Hunter is moving back into her home in Long Beach next week. She has recovered from her knee replacement only to discover she has cancer. She will be undergoing some treatments. She also needs our prayers and happy thoughts.

I want to thank all of you who helped with food and especially cleaning up for the Ward Linger Longer. It is so grately appreciated. Sis. Ruthie Wade is forever in the kitchen preparing and cleaning. She is so wonderful in doing this. She truly goes the extra mile....please let he know she is appreciated when you see her.

The stake is holding a Pioneer day Activity at McLoud State park in Waveland....July 25th. Just take the I-10 towards New Orleans and take exit 13, head north about a mile or so. The Stake is providing the meat and asks us to bring sides and a pie if you want to be in the pie contest. Check the flyer on the outer doors to the Church building for more info.

See you Sunday!


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