Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday in Relief Society we welcomed three wonderful Young Women....Megan Hutchinson, Jennifer Flier and Starry Smith. I have always been impressed by these newest members of Relief Society. They are wonderful friends to each other, they are smart and kind and caring.
All three will be attending college here. They will be a great blessing to our Relief Society.

Saturday Samantha Anderson Houck had a beautiful girl named Emma. Samantha now lives in the Biloxi ward. We wish her the best! Samantha is the daughter of Sonijh and Sam Anderson.

Sunday, June 14th will be the Ward Linger Longer Pot Luck after church. Please bring a enough food to feed your family and to share. The theme this month is "Dad's Favorites".

June 21st is Fathers Day! The Bishop wants to encourage us to attend that day. He would like to have 300 in attendance if possible. So invite your friends and especially your family and less active members to come that day and really every Sunday. I know one of our speakers will be Sis. Oatman. She is a great speaker. The primary children will be singing as well. And of course we will have a small treat for our fathers.

Have a wonderful week! Also if someone has a small business they would like me to mention..
let me know. I know that Sis. Roberts sells Pampered Chef products, Krisi Curry York has a vinyl letter cutting machine and has good prices. Sis. Debbie Albert has a small company that will do errands for you. Let me know of others and I will post them.

This is Sis. April Hunts last week in our Ward. We will miss her and her delightful family.
We wish them the best in their new assignment in Virginia.


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