Friday, May 29, 2009

Sis. Curry told me that there will be some special information on Hurricane Prepardness in the Sunday Newspaper. You may want to get the Sunday paper for that information.
Now is the time to prepare...even thought there are no storms heading our way any time never know. If you prepare now you will feel peace when and if we are blessed with one. It is much more difficult to run to the store for supplies when everyone else is shopping at the same time. Things are quickly sold out. You will for sure need Water, babywipes, disinfecting wipes, bleach, food, none electric can openers, trash bags, cash, canned or dried food and snacks etc. If the power goes out for any length of time you will not be able to shop or buy gas or even get money from the bank. Be sure you have extra medications on hand. We live out in the county and were with out power for three weeks after Katrina. Make arrangements early if you are going out of town as hotels fill up quickly. As much as possible keep your car filled with gas. The gas lines are long when evacuations take place and gas is hard to come by.
If you have any tips to share please let me know.
Toni 831-8128


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