Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Annual Fall Festival is today at 3pm-5pm at the church. It is also the Chili Cook-off.
So, if you are making chili for the contest you better get it started. The YM/YW will be helping out with the booths for the younger children. Should be a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is Fast Sunday and also the day to turn your clocks back one hour. We will have an extra hour to get our selves and family ready for church. I always love the extra hour! Actually sometimes I think it is harder because I goof off too much and then I am almost late.

I will be teaching in RS tomorrow. We will be discussing the talk by Sis. Beck from the Womens Conference.

We will be having a Ward Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving day from 2 to 4 pm.

Also, there is a Relief Society Week night Meeting on the 10th of November at 6:30 pm. It is a night of service. Actually, we ask that you do service up until that night and we will fill up a jar or jars with candy for every act of service performed by then. The service can be as simple as smiling at someone who seems to need a smile or something more. It is up to you what you do.
Last year on President Monson's Birthday he asked all to do a service for someone rather than something for him. So in that feeling of giving at this season of Thanksgiving, and since we have so much, we can share and do something to help someone....even if it is not yelling at our children when we are tired.
We will put the candy in the jars in private and you alone will judge how much to put it. If it is a one piece service or perhaps one that should rate more...the choice is yours.
We hope to see you there. We will have some light refreshments and we will share some of our feelings etc. It will be a wonderful relaxed evening!


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