Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I have been very neglectful of this "blog" lately. Lots of craziness in my life!
The only announcement that I really know of is the Primary Activity on Saturday at 8:30 am. There will be breakfast after the children have their activity. Contact a member of the Primary Presidency for more info!
Sis. Charlotte Saucier is not doing well. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and thoughts.
Sis. Dodge is still ill and needs prayers too. She has been battling some serious infections. Give her a call if you have time and let her know you are thinking of her.
Youth Conference is coming up July 9th-11th. It is for youth 14 through 18.
Linger longer will be July 12 after church. The theme this month is "Salads"! Should be delicious.
The next RS sponsored canning day is in early September. It is limited to ten to twelve families and food orders need to be in by the first week of August. If you are interested in canning for food storage contact sis. Perrins at church to place your order. The money is due on the day of the canning.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July holiday! I am so grateful to live in this wonderful US of America. We lived overseas for six years and it was a wonderful experience but there is just something about this wonderful country. Get out and enjoy!


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