Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wonderful news to report today...
Ralph and Pat Head have a new grandson. He was born August 6th and weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. His name is Kyle James David Head and he was born in Salem, New Hampshire to Kyle and Nicole Head. He is the 17th grandchild for the Head family! Congratulations!!!! Pat was able to travel to Salem and get to hold that new little fellow!
Thanks to Pat for calling me with the news!
If you have any info you would like to share...give me a call....831 8128.
Just a reminder that next Saturday [Aug. 29th] the Young women are having a Fashion Show at 10am in the cultural hall. All sisters are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. The girls have been sewing up a storm and are excited to model what they have made. Even if you do not have a daughter in YW's...come and let them know we love and support them! I am sure it will be a delightful morning.


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