Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunday August 23rd our lesson will be "Unselfish Service" by Dallin H. Oaks. Sis. Brenda Roberts will be our guest teacher. You can read this talk on line or in the May 2009 magazine. It is taken from a talk given at the April Conference in Salt Lake.
Sis. Carolyn Dodge is in Garden Park Hospital. She is in intensive care and at this time can have no visitors. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers. As of yet the doctors are still running tests and have not found the cause of her illness.
I want to thank Jaimie Anderson for her wonderful lesson Sunday. We really appreciate her and her willingness to teach.
Shay Beland had her baby Monday around two in the afternoon. She had a girl and named her Summer Rose. I think that is the name...but you know me and names! All are well. We wish her a speedy recovery and return to church.
Is there anyone who would like to take over this blog? You will need to be a self starter. I wish I had more particpation in this and do wonder if this info helps anyone. I know it could be more.
This is not my talent! If interested please contact me!


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