Sunday, October 11, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Jen Ingram taught the lesson from the Joseph Smith Manual. The lesson was about families....having eternal loving families. Joseph Smith loved his parents and wife and children very much. I hope you will take the time to read over it. Sis. Ingram is a great teacher! The lesson contains many tips and encouragement in making our families more loving and strong.

Sis. Dodge is feeling better!
Sis. Corley's sister died earlier this week. Her brother died earlier this past year.
Sis. Hunter is home in Long Beach now and doing well as she continues her KEMO therapy.
Bro. Mike Scott is still in intensive care at Garden Park hospital.
Please keep all of them in your prayers.

We missed so many of you today. I do not want to say your names but I noticed you were not there and I hope you are doing okay and pray you will be with us next week.

Sis. Berry's little grandson will be born Tuesday morning. She is very excited! We all are.

We are going to have to say good bye to the Chipman family. They are returning to Utah.
They will be missed by all.
Also moving this week is dear Sis. York. As you know her husband died earlier in the year. She is moving to Alabama with her son and his family.

Hope you all have a good week!
Don't forget to get your VT done!!!!


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