Sunday, May 31, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Margan was about gifts...not spiritual gifts as we might think but in a way gifts of life so freely given to us that bless us daily. She talked about those moments when something clicks into place. It could be something we were praying to understand or know. The answer comes and we know. And forever more that moment touches our lives. It could be a simple moment or a big stays in our minds and souls to nourish us.
I was sitting in the Sacrament Meeting...we sit there so my husband can see who comes in as he is the counter of people. It was a crazy day. Lots of children talking, singing and not listening to their parents etc. I remember those days well! Even thought my children are ages 30 to 40. I do have 18 grandchildren. It is different when you are the Mom. Some days you may wonder why you even came to church. How blessed we are to be in a place with so many wonderful children growing and learning. Some may say it is distracting, maybe it can be. Not to me however, If I really pay attention to the speakers I can hear them even from the back. And I do feel the spirit. I have always loved this church because it is a family church. We are all learning and just trying to do our best! I am a convert so I was impressed the very first time I came because the children were not banished to a cry room. I know some will not agree with me and that is okay because well, it takes us all to make a world and a ward. This is my opinion.
I feel very blessed today.
I am trying to read the scriptures daily...because well I kind of forgot for a while. What a difference it makes in my life. If you need an uplift, give it a try.
I am sure some of you are tired of hearing my just let me know yours and we will get them on here. Have a wonderful week!


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