Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanks again to wonderful Sis. Griggs for making the blog page look so beautiful and festive! She is the best!!!
Thanks also to Sis. Linda Ware for her imformative lesson last Sunday. We do sometimes judge others too quickly with out knowing the full story. I loved learning more about Martha and Mary. Sometimes I am more Martha than Mary so it was great to hear that she do was doing what she felt was best to show her love for Christ.
Next Sunday I will be teaching! I hope you will still want to attend Relief Society!
The Ward Christmas Party is going to be Saturday December 11th at 5pm until 7pm. Santa will be there. It will be a pot luck dinner. The ward will provide Turkey and Ham. Bring something wonderful to eat and your family and or friends and come for a fun time. If you haven't signed the food list...don't worry...bring what you can and come join in fellowshipping with your friends.
On Friday the 17th is the annual RS party for all sisters who want to come. It begins at 6:30 pm at my home....21077 Robinson Rd. My house is located on the south side corner of Robinson and County Farm Road. We are almost exactly four miles north if you take Exit 28 off of I 10. Turn off of County Farm onto Robinson Rd. and keep those wheels turning right into my driveway. If you want to bring some type of finger food to share you may....if you do not want to do not worry. Come in comfortable clothes. It will be a relaxed evening of talking and sharing and lots of laughing...we hope!!
Do not forget to check out the Angel Tree in the foyer of the Church. We have 39 names on there this year. If you can get a gift for someone on the list they need to be turned in by December 15th so they can be wrapped and packaged and delivered to the homes. Turn them in to a member of YW or RS Presidency or Bro. Willson in the clerks office. Thank you so very much for your kindness and willingness to share!
Also...the ward Choir is singing on Sunday December 12th in Sacrament Meeting. Please come join us. We need you to sing. You will be blessed!!!!
Let me know if we any of you have any info you would like me to put on the blog. I will get the word out for you!
Sis. Grimes was in Church Sunday! She is feeling better! Also Sis. Alice Brakum was there too. Your prayers are certainly working. Thank you! Sis. Louise Whitehead is still very ill and is now in Memorial Hospital. She and her family need lots of prayers and love!!! Thanks to all of you!!!!!


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