Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I hope everyone had a most wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be the best ever.
I read a quote today by Ralph Waldo Emerson that says "Write in your hearts that everyday is the best day of the year." I hope I can do that as the new year begins. I am sure going to give it a try. There are little miracles around us all the time.
Thank you to those sisters who donated so much to the little boy whose Mother didn't have money to buy Christmas presents. You are all wonderful and thanks the Visiting Teacher who delivered the gifts and brought it to our attention!
Sis. Head and I will be working on the Visiting Teaching and making changes as needed. Please email me or call me if you need changes with your VT route or if there are problems getting together with your companion etc. Email and phone number is 228 831 8128. Or if you are reading this and your are not a VT and want to be one...let me know. Also...if you are not being visitied by your VT's and are wondering who they are....I can make changes. Pat and I prayerfully make assignments to the best of our abilities but sometimes things just do not work out. It is okay because we are fine about making things better for all of you.
I also read this quote yesterday....."Snow flakes are one of Nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." We as sisters are all fragile in our testimonies and in our lives in many ways. We need each other to strenthen each other. We need to stick together. I love you all!
Happy New year! May it shine bright and wonderful for all of us!!! It is so wonderful that each hour, day and week and year can be a new beginning for us. We are truly blessed!!!!
Forgive me for missing the past two RS meetings. I fell down and hurt my shoulder and cannot sit too long with out great pain plus the medicine I am taking makes me very sleepy. I am better and I hope to be there for all threee hours Sunday!!! Happy Day to all!!!!


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