Friday, December 10, 2010

Seems we have a change in the Baptism for will be at 12 noon and not 1pm. I think I have faulty ears or I am getting the messages wrong.
Thanks to those who came to the Baptism for Heather last night. It was wonderful and she will be a great member. Her sweet parents were also able to attend.
I remember when I first joined the church so many members use to come to the Baptism' was such a big exciting adventure. Sometimes it saddens me that our lives are so busy we cannot find the time to attend. It is such a beautiful faith promoting experince. Brings back and renew's those wonerful spiritual feelings of our own Baptism's. Truly a blessing to attend and a wonderful support to those coming into the church.
Remember this bog is for you...any comments, needs, good news, something for sale, babysitters needed etc. Let me know and I will post it!
See you Saturday at the Primary Activity, Choir practive, Baptism or Ward Christmas Social!!!
Have a happy Friday!


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