Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wow!!!! Doesn't this blog look beautiful! Thanks to Sis. Kellie Griggs who is fantastic! Finally someone who knows what they are doing!!!!!

Today we had a wonderful lesson taught by Sis. Linda was about raising our children. Mine are grown but they are still my babies. Now I have the opportunity to love my grandchildren. She said it is important to listen to our have some one on one time with them. The lesson was given from the conference talk by Robert D. Hales....The Mission of Parents and Leaders to the Rising Generation. It would be worth reading if you have not done so already.
I was so excited to see so many wonderful sisters from our ward at the RS dinner and broadcast Saturday night. I counted around 35 sisters. What wonderful talks. Very uplifting. We will recieve the DVD of the broadcast sometime in late November. You may want to check it out from the library and view it if you were not able to see it.
Please let me or Sis. Griggs know if you would like to post something on this blog.....if you have something to give away or sell, if you need a babysitter, ride, or just some exciting news you would like to share....this is the place!
Sis. Oakerson is in Florida with her daughter Laura. Laura has cancer and the prognosis is not good. Please keep them in your prayers.
Sis. Grimes is doing better.
Sis. Beverly Waits is still in the Long Term care in the old Garden Park hospital. I am sure she would love a visit.
Thank you all for being such wonderful Sisters....always willing to serve when called upon in anyway! Remember to get your VT have a few more days!!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!!


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