Friday, September 10, 2010

It is Friday and the week is mostly gone. My internet connection was out until Wednesday and yesterday was my husbands here I am today.
Sis. Beverly Waits is in the ICU at Garden Park Hospital. She is certainly in need of our good thoughts and prayers. Please remember her family in your prayers as well.
Sue Grimes was in the hospital as well but is now home. She is doing much better. Bro. Grimes is feeling pretty tired taking care of her. If you have time they would love visits from each and everyone of you. They have changed some of her medications and hope this will help her to begin to have a little more energy.
This Sunday in RS we will be blessed with a brand new teacher. Sis. Kellie Griggs says she is excited to have this new calling and we are certainly thrilled to have her teach. I think it is a remarkable thing in our church that we are blessed with so many talented and delightful sisters who are so willing to serve. We love and appreciate all of you so very much!
Do not forget that Sunday September 19th will be the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation and also the Linger Longer Sunday. So.....Bring your family and friends and your favorite foods to share and come have a wonderful day.
Saturday September 25th is the RS Broadcast from Salt Lake. The Broadcast begins at 7pm...however at 6pm there is a dinner for all the sisters. Their will be a nursery for the children if you have no one to take care of them in your home. We are asked to bring food to donate to the Food Bank in Waveland if possible. This Broadcst is always very uplifting and spiritual. Try to come!!!
Also this Month we are having the RS week night meeting on September 28th. It is a Heritage Night. Please bring items from your Ancesters to display and/or stories to share. Contct Sis. Melanie Wade for more information.
Well, I guess this is all that I have to share at this time. I am waiting for any thoughts and ideas to improve this little blog.
See you all Sunday!!!!!


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