Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday afternoon!!!! I have company so I better work on this now because I may not get around to it later!
Thank you Sis. Butler for the lesson Sunday. As I always say...we have wonderful teachers that add so much to our RS Sunday lessons. I appreciate all of you!
Next Sunday Sis. Linda Ware will be teaching. I cannot locate my list at this moment to find the lesson but I will update it when I find the info.
Next Saturday night is the RS Broadcast...Dinner at 6pm....broadcast 7pm.....bring some food to donate if you can! It will be given to the Food Bank in Waveland.
And the following Tuesday will be our RS Tuesday night meeting. I think Sis. Wade and Sis. Connor have some fun and excitment planned!
Sis. Beverly Waits is in the Select Care Facility in the old Garden Park Hospital. She will hopefully be released in the next few weeks. She would love to have visits when and if you can.
Does anyone read this? Just wondering...I am so open to suggestions or imput for this! Let me know! It is Monday evening.....hope you remember to have FHE.
My Brother died last Thursday and I just cannot get into this today! Forgive me!
Have a wonderful evening and love your family and don't get up set over the small and unimportant things. Families are such a blessing!!!!!


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