Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It is Wonderful Wednesday! Wonderful because I have been on the little sickly side and I am better today mostly! I know all of you are thrilled about that and I do thank you so very much!
Sunday was a beautiful day. Sis. Kellie Griggs presented a wonderful lesson in RS. We really appreciate her very much! She talked about the church in former times. It is great to be reminded that our Church was and is a church founded on the teachings of Christ.
Next week Sis. Butler is scheduled to be our teacher. The lesson wil be #17. This lesson is on the Church today. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful lessons to learn from and wonderful teachers to present them.
Don't forget this Sunday coming will be the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation. Try to get your children there on time if you can! I know it is especially difficult at times to do that. I had six little ones long ago and my grandchildren this past summer. It was hard for me!!!!!
Also...there will be the monthly Linger Longer after church. Bring enough food for your family and a few missionaries! Remember to take your pots and pans off the serving table when you finish eating. That way it is easier for the rest of us to clean the tables etc. You will need to take your things home dirty....because well...there is enough stuff to wash as it is and we do not want to do more. You would have one to wash and we would have many! Does that seem fair????
This Thursday night....we are having a Baptism for Sis. Tiffany! Everyone is invited. It will be at 6pm. Try to come and show her your support. I remember when I joined the church everyone came and it was a wonderful time. I guess our lives have gotten so busy we cannot find the time anymore. So sad......
Also...the RS broadcast on the 25th....dinner at 6pm....broadcast at 7pm......please bring food to donate to the food bank in Hancock County if you can!
And the RS meeting Tuesday the 28th...Our Sis. Wade or Sis. Connor for more info!
See you all soon!


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