Thursday, September 30, 2010

I want to thank all who praticipated in our wonderful Relief Society Meeting Tuesday evening. We had a lot of sisters in attendance, lots of wonderful food and fellowship. Thanks to all the sisters and brothers who assisted in the Nursery. I want to let Sis. Melanie Wade and Sis. Jaime Connor know how much I appreciate all the work and effort they put forth in preparation and energy to make it such a success. We are so very blessed in our Ward with wonderful Sisters who always go above and beyond in serving. I thank you all very much!
Many of the sisters brought things to share from their heritage. We are a very diverse group of sisters. It is a wonderful thing!
Please let me know if you would like anything announced on our Blog....
Sis. Beverly Waits.....
Wake Tonight from 6- 8 [Thursday]
Funeral Service Friday at 11am
Bradford Okeefe Funeral Home, Howard Avenue, Biloxi, MS

If you are providing food for the funeral please have it to the Waits home by 1pm. Beth is also bringing food and she may be willing to take yours if you give her a call.
Thank you everyone!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a very sad note today....Sis. Beverly Waits passed away this morning. Three months to the day after her husband. We will miss her very much. We send our deepest love to her family.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wow!!!! Doesn't this blog look beautiful! Thanks to Sis. Kellie Griggs who is fantastic! Finally someone who knows what they are doing!!!!!

Today we had a wonderful lesson taught by Sis. Linda was about raising our children. Mine are grown but they are still my babies. Now I have the opportunity to love my grandchildren. She said it is important to listen to our have some one on one time with them. The lesson was given from the conference talk by Robert D. Hales....The Mission of Parents and Leaders to the Rising Generation. It would be worth reading if you have not done so already.
I was so excited to see so many wonderful sisters from our ward at the RS dinner and broadcast Saturday night. I counted around 35 sisters. What wonderful talks. Very uplifting. We will recieve the DVD of the broadcast sometime in late November. You may want to check it out from the library and view it if you were not able to see it.
Please let me or Sis. Griggs know if you would like to post something on this blog.....if you have something to give away or sell, if you need a babysitter, ride, or just some exciting news you would like to share....this is the place!
Sis. Oakerson is in Florida with her daughter Laura. Laura has cancer and the prognosis is not good. Please keep them in your prayers.
Sis. Grimes is doing better.
Sis. Beverly Waits is still in the Long Term care in the old Garden Park hospital. I am sure she would love a visit.
Thank you all for being such wonderful Sisters....always willing to serve when called upon in anyway! Remember to get your VT have a few more days!!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday afternoon!!!! I have company so I better work on this now because I may not get around to it later!
Thank you Sis. Butler for the lesson Sunday. As I always say...we have wonderful teachers that add so much to our RS Sunday lessons. I appreciate all of you!
Next Sunday Sis. Linda Ware will be teaching. I cannot locate my list at this moment to find the lesson but I will update it when I find the info.
Next Saturday night is the RS Broadcast...Dinner at 6pm....broadcast 7pm.....bring some food to donate if you can! It will be given to the Food Bank in Waveland.
And the following Tuesday will be our RS Tuesday night meeting. I think Sis. Wade and Sis. Connor have some fun and excitment planned!
Sis. Beverly Waits is in the Select Care Facility in the old Garden Park Hospital. She will hopefully be released in the next few weeks. She would love to have visits when and if you can.
Does anyone read this? Just wondering...I am so open to suggestions or imput for this! Let me know! It is Monday evening.....hope you remember to have FHE.
My Brother died last Thursday and I just cannot get into this today! Forgive me!
Have a wonderful evening and love your family and don't get up set over the small and unimportant things. Families are such a blessing!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It is Wonderful Wednesday! Wonderful because I have been on the little sickly side and I am better today mostly! I know all of you are thrilled about that and I do thank you so very much!
Sunday was a beautiful day. Sis. Kellie Griggs presented a wonderful lesson in RS. We really appreciate her very much! She talked about the church in former times. It is great to be reminded that our Church was and is a church founded on the teachings of Christ.
Next week Sis. Butler is scheduled to be our teacher. The lesson wil be #17. This lesson is on the Church today. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful lessons to learn from and wonderful teachers to present them.
Don't forget this Sunday coming will be the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation. Try to get your children there on time if you can! I know it is especially difficult at times to do that. I had six little ones long ago and my grandchildren this past summer. It was hard for me!!!!!
Also...there will be the monthly Linger Longer after church. Bring enough food for your family and a few missionaries! Remember to take your pots and pans off the serving table when you finish eating. That way it is easier for the rest of us to clean the tables etc. You will need to take your things home dirty....because well...there is enough stuff to wash as it is and we do not want to do more. You would have one to wash and we would have many! Does that seem fair????
This Thursday night....we are having a Baptism for Sis. Tiffany! Everyone is invited. It will be at 6pm. Try to come and show her your support. I remember when I joined the church everyone came and it was a wonderful time. I guess our lives have gotten so busy we cannot find the time anymore. So sad......
Also...the RS broadcast on the 25th....dinner at 6pm....broadcast at 7pm......please bring food to donate to the food bank in Hancock County if you can!
And the RS meeting Tuesday the 28th...Our Sis. Wade or Sis. Connor for more info!
See you all soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It is Friday and the week is mostly gone. My internet connection was out until Wednesday and yesterday was my husbands here I am today.
Sis. Beverly Waits is in the ICU at Garden Park Hospital. She is certainly in need of our good thoughts and prayers. Please remember her family in your prayers as well.
Sue Grimes was in the hospital as well but is now home. She is doing much better. Bro. Grimes is feeling pretty tired taking care of her. If you have time they would love visits from each and everyone of you. They have changed some of her medications and hope this will help her to begin to have a little more energy.
This Sunday in RS we will be blessed with a brand new teacher. Sis. Kellie Griggs says she is excited to have this new calling and we are certainly thrilled to have her teach. I think it is a remarkable thing in our church that we are blessed with so many talented and delightful sisters who are so willing to serve. We love and appreciate all of you so very much!
Do not forget that Sunday September 19th will be the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation and also the Linger Longer Sunday. So.....Bring your family and friends and your favorite foods to share and come have a wonderful day.
Saturday September 25th is the RS Broadcast from Salt Lake. The Broadcast begins at 7pm...however at 6pm there is a dinner for all the sisters. Their will be a nursery for the children if you have no one to take care of them in your home. We are asked to bring food to donate to the Food Bank in Waveland if possible. This Broadcst is always very uplifting and spiritual. Try to come!!!
Also this Month we are having the RS week night meeting on September 28th. It is a Heritage Night. Please bring items from your Ancesters to display and/or stories to share. Contct Sis. Melanie Wade for more information.
Well, I guess this is all that I have to share at this time. I am waiting for any thoughts and ideas to improve this little blog.
See you all Sunday!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Wednesday.....It has been a crazy busy week so far! Hope it is going well for all of you!
Last Sunday the Bishop presented a wonderful meeting. He covered three things of which we should be striving for. Being prepared was number one. We need to be working on our three month supply of food, money etc. If you were here during must remember the joy of having food and water stored in our homes. What a blessing it was. One of the most wonderful items to have in your home in an addition to food and water to me was baby wipes. It was so hot and water for bathing not so easily available. Baby wipes could cool you down and make you feel clean and wonderful. Also the disinfecting wipes were wonderful to wipe down the kitchen counters and bathrooms. It was so hot you know those little germs were having a happy time all over our homes. Just my two cents worth!
Bishop also encourged us to be a PRO by Praying, Reading the scriptures and being Obedient!
And he passed around the "Iron" rod for us to hold on to. A wonderful is certainly easy to let go and wonder away form the our true destination. He did a wonderful presentation!
Next Sunday Beth Berry will be teaching in RS. Her topic is serving in the church.
We want to welcome Sis. Jaime Connor as our new 2nd Counselor in RS. Her husband is in the Navy and they are living on the CB Base. She has four children and their last assignment was Hawaii! How blessed can you be? Sis. Connor will be working with Melanie Wade in making our extra RS meetings the best ever.
We sure will miss Susan. She and her family are moving to Montana. She is the most deligthful person and has done a wonderful job in RS these past four years. We love her and will miss her very much. Remember her home is forsale or rent. They are willing to sell the house for what they owe on it. It has been apprased at over 250 thousand but they will see it for less than 185 thousand. It is a wonderful home!!! Check it out!
Also, Bro. and Sis. Oatman are selling their home. I do not know the details. It is also a lovely home. Bro. Oatman has been reassigned to Florida. He has already moved there. Sis. Oatman is the YW's President. She is a wonderful dedicated sister. We will miss her also!
I hope you all have wonderful rest of the week!
I haven't heard if Sis. Waits is still in the hospital. I will check on her today and let you know!
I am sure I am forgetting some info I should be it you know of something let me know!
Anyone have thoughts on making this a little better let me know. I am limited in my abilities in this knowlwdge of the blog world and would appreciate any help I can get!