Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This Sunday will be the monthly "Linger Longer"!
It is held the third Sunday of each month except December. We actually have a Ward Christmas Party early in the month in December.
So bring enough to feed your family and some hungry Missionaries. That way there will be enough for all. There isn't enough oven space for reheating everything so bring something in a crock pot or something that doesn't have to be reheated. Sis. Ruthie Wade is always helping in the kitchen warming the food and getting everything ready and then cleaning up. Give her a big hug and thanks for all that she does to make it such a success! And thanks too to all the others who so willingly stay behind and help. Sometimes we are still there cleaning after 2pm or so.
I know I haven't been there the past two times. Yes, I skipped out! I really had good reasons however! I will be there this month!
Remember to clean up your own pots, pans etc [just take them home dirty]. You will have one thing to wash and the kitchen workers will not have so much to do. It is such a help if you do that. Do I sound like a cross woman or what? Sorry! I do not mean to be! I am looking out for Ruthie! She never complains! It isn't even her calling and she does it anyway! She is a much better woman than I am! I love Ruthie! I love all of you! We are truly a blessed ward with so many wonderful loving sisters as you all are!
Again...please forgive any typos or gentle on me!


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