Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!!!

Today Sis. Elaina Deshamps is in the hospital having an operation. She is a fairly new member of the church. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts today. And if you are interested in providing food for her and her family when she gets home...let me know.

Sunday was a wonderful day as usual. Thanks to all of you who so kindly brought food to the Linger Longer and stayed to help. You are so grately appreciated!!!!!!!

As usual we had a wonderful lesson in Relief Society. Thanks to Sis. Jalyn Wade for teaching the lesson. She is new to our Ward as well. She is also a newlywed! We are so happy she was so willing to teach! She is very talented!

I think I am out of the loop this week and do not know much of what is going on in the Ward.

If you know of any need of anyone please let me know.

Last week I said we had a new family in the Ward. I wasn't sure of her name. Her name is Tara Elizabeth Erwin. I didn't see her this week. We hope you will get to know her as well as all our new sisters.

I have been thinking about maybe having a weekly meeting at the church...during the day.

No babysiting...no food. Just maybe scriptue study, quilt tying etc. A one hour meeting for those who would be interested....no pressure on anyone. A relaxed meeting. What do you all think?

Any thoughts or ideas on this. I would love and appreciate your thoughts and opinions.

It might help us to get to know one another a little better. We could meet in the nursery room. Kids could wander around and play and the sisters can do assorted activities. I could teach you all how to make my famous Pettit Fours. I learned how to make them in Germany from a German sister. We could study the Book of Mormon. Maybe read a chapter and discuss what we can learn from it. Something easy that doesn't put more pressure on anyone.

I am so open to ideas!!!!!! Let me know!

Have a wonderful day...a delightful week!!!!!!!!!!!


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