Monday, August 9, 2010

It 's Monday! started in Long Beach today and will start in Gulfport on Wednesday! The summer seemed so very short for me this year. And now that my husband has retired for the second time I am adjusting to having him home everyday. So far so good! It is a good thing I like him and he can cope with me.
We had a very wonderful lesson in RS Sunday. The lesson was the second on the Priesthood.
I do apprecaite the excitment and honor of the Priesthood our teacher brought to the lesson.
It is good to be reminded how blessed we are to have the Priesthood in our lives. I am an old Grandma now, however I am so thrilled when my grandson Conner has the opportunity to pass the sacrament to me in Sacrament meeting. I think I am more touched than when my own sons were at that age.
We thank Kristal Zanhiser for blessing us with her willingness to teach Sunday. She just reciently moved into out Ward along with her roommate Liz Brackney. We have been so blessed with so many wonderful new sisters and families in our ward in the past two months. We welcome all of you.
I hope I can name all the new families who have moved in since June...
The Navy Wives....Chelsey Crew, Brandy Stubbs, Jaime Connor, Sis. Medina and a new family who arrived Sunday. I didn't ahve a chance to meet them...I think the Bishop said their name was Irving. I am not sure. We will know next week. Other new move ins....Kellie Griggs, Marjorie Anderson, Alice Barkum, Jalyn Wade, Samantha Houck. Plus our newest Baptized Sis. Elena Deschamps. Our Ward sure is growing! We are so happy to have you in our ward and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your stay here a little more pleasant. I wish I could change the weather...but it is out of my hands!
Next Sunday Sis. Jalyn Wade will be teaching the lesson in RS. It is Chapter 15....The Lord's Covenant People.
Sis. Sue Grimes is still not well. Please keep her in your prayers!
Please remember to get out there and get your VT done. If you lost your list or didn't get one some me 831-8128 or Contact sis. Pat Head. We will get it to you as soon as possible!
We love you all!


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