Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Monday and it is a wonderful day! If I tell myself that enough it will become a wonderful day...
Thanks for all the wonderful comments in RS yesterday. You ladies are the greatest. The lesson was wonderful. Thank you Linda!
We were blessed with the Stake RS Presidency visiting yesterday. We so love and appreciate them for helping us so very much. We want to thank Sis. Allen for her wonderful spiritual thought and candy she shared with us.
Sis. Waits is still in Garden Park Hospital. If you have a chance, drop on over and visit her. She has certainly gone through some trials lately. Sue Grimes is a little better. I spoke with Bro. Grimes Sunday and he said the extra medicine is taking more of the fluid off and of course that makes her feel so much happier.
Let me remind you that this is your last week to get your Visitng Teaching completed. Call Sis. Head, Sis. Singley or me to report on your progress. Thank you so very very much!!!!!
We are thrilled to have a new teacher for our second Sunday lessons. I am sure you heard her called and sustained Sunday morning. If not, it is Sis. Kellie Griggs. We are so thrilled at her desire to teach. She is wonderful sister! She is new in our Ward!
Next week we will meet with the Priesthood in the Chapel. I do not know the subject at this time. It is always nice to have the opportunity to sit with our husbands and friends and learn important messages from our Bishopric.
Do you know you can go to and register under the right side "Wards and Stakes" and fill out a short registration form and have easy access to the Ward and Stake Calendar and even Ward lists if you need phone numbers etc. It makes life so much easier!
Have a great week! Forgive my mistakes...I do not have time to reread it today!


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