Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sister Beverly Waits is still in the hospital [Garden Park]. She is doing better now and is getting around. Hurray!
Thanks to the Sisters who brought food to Sis. Paula Butler. She is also doing much better. Waiting on more testing etc.
That are the only updates I know at this time.
See you Sunday!
It sure is rainy today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a Military man in our ward. He is about 25-30 years old and divorced. He is looking for someone to do some basic cleaning for him and his daughter once or twice a week for about an hour os so. His daughter is in 1st grade. He lives on the CB base. If you would be interested please let me know. He seems to be a very nice young man. He helped in the Nursery in RS Tuesday night.
Tomorrow we will be having a combined meeting with thePriesthood in the Chapel. I am not sure what the topic will be but I am sure it will be wonderful.
Susan Soule is moving and her home is for sale. It is a wonderful four bedroom with two and a half baths, Family room etc. If you know anyone moving in let them know about the house. They are willing to rent it. He has to report to his new job in November. The location is wonderful! Off the beaten path but near the interstate. It is two stories. I love it! If I didn't have a house I would buy it myself!
Happy Saturday!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Monday and it is a wonderful day! If I tell myself that enough it will become a wonderful day...
Thanks for all the wonderful comments in RS yesterday. You ladies are the greatest. The lesson was wonderful. Thank you Linda!
We were blessed with the Stake RS Presidency visiting yesterday. We so love and appreciate them for helping us so very much. We want to thank Sis. Allen for her wonderful spiritual thought and candy she shared with us.
Sis. Waits is still in Garden Park Hospital. If you have a chance, drop on over and visit her. She has certainly gone through some trials lately. Sue Grimes is a little better. I spoke with Bro. Grimes Sunday and he said the extra medicine is taking more of the fluid off and of course that makes her feel so much happier.
Let me remind you that this is your last week to get your Visitng Teaching completed. Call Sis. Head, Sis. Singley or me to report on your progress. Thank you so very very much!!!!!
We are thrilled to have a new teacher for our second Sunday lessons. I am sure you heard her called and sustained Sunday morning. If not, it is Sis. Kellie Griggs. We are so thrilled at her desire to teach. She is wonderful sister! She is new in our Ward!
Next week we will meet with the Priesthood in the Chapel. I do not know the subject at this time. It is always nice to have the opportunity to sit with our husbands and friends and learn important messages from our Bishopric.
Do you know you can go to and register under the right side "Wards and Stakes" and fill out a short registration form and have easy access to the Ward and Stake Calendar and even Ward lists if you need phone numbers etc. It makes life so much easier!
Have a great week! Forgive my mistakes...I do not have time to reread it today!

Friday, August 20, 2010

For you wonderful few but special sisters who read this...I found my teaching list! Hurray for me!
The lesson Sunday will be "When the Lord Commands" by Bruce A. Carlson.
Sis. Linda is a wonderful teacher. The last Sunday she taught the RS room AC was out and we met in the Cultural Hall. The workmen have repaired that and we have been happily enjoying the wonderful cold room. We are grateful indeed!
Beth Berry will teach the first Sunday of September.
Hopefully we will soon have some new teachers called to teach the second and third Sundays of the month!
Susan Soule will be moving by November or so. She will be missed so very much. She has been with us since the beginning...almost five years ago. She did serve in YW's for a year and then came back to RS. Her husband is taking a new job closer to home. Susan and her family are from Utah and they will be heading for Montana. Lots closer to home than Mississippi. She has her house for sale. If you are interested in buying a wonderful four bedroom her!
See you all Sunday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Susan Soule and I went to visit Elaina in the hospital yesterday. She looks wonderful and got out of the hospital today. Thanks to her VT's....Kristal and Liz for bringing her dinner tonight. Also thanks to Sis. Allen for being willing to bring her dinner tomorrow night.
We also visited Sis. Bev Waits. She is also in the hospital. She was pretty tired when we saw her. I think she is doing better. I do not know when she will be released from Garden Park. We hope soon!
Remember to keep both in your prayers! As well as Sue Grimes. She is not feeling as well as she would like! Bro. Grimes is also not well! They are the sweetest couple and love each other so very much! They have been married around 55 plus years. I cannot remember how long but a long time. If you are ever out and about near their home just drop on over to visit. They love the company.
Sunday Linda Ware will be our teacher. I cannot find my little list with the lesson. However if you have the newsletter you will find the info there.
I have been trying to clean and rearrange my office...I think it is a bigger mess than when I started. I keep saving things that I need but I've saved them so well....I cannot find them!
Oh well!
Has anyone thought about meeting weekly? I haven't recieved any feedback from anyone.
Enjoy the moments of your life!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!!!

Today Sis. Elaina Deshamps is in the hospital having an operation. She is a fairly new member of the church. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts today. And if you are interested in providing food for her and her family when she gets home...let me know.

Sunday was a wonderful day as usual. Thanks to all of you who so kindly brought food to the Linger Longer and stayed to help. You are so grately appreciated!!!!!!!

As usual we had a wonderful lesson in Relief Society. Thanks to Sis. Jalyn Wade for teaching the lesson. She is new to our Ward as well. She is also a newlywed! We are so happy she was so willing to teach! She is very talented!

I think I am out of the loop this week and do not know much of what is going on in the Ward.

If you know of any need of anyone please let me know.

Last week I said we had a new family in the Ward. I wasn't sure of her name. Her name is Tara Elizabeth Erwin. I didn't see her this week. We hope you will get to know her as well as all our new sisters.

I have been thinking about maybe having a weekly meeting at the church...during the day.

No food. Just maybe scriptue study, quilt tying etc. A one hour meeting for those who would be pressure on anyone. A relaxed meeting. What do you all think?

Any thoughts or ideas on this. I would love and appreciate your thoughts and opinions.

It might help us to get to know one another a little better. We could meet in the nursery room. Kids could wander around and play and the sisters can do assorted activities. I could teach you all how to make my famous Pettit Fours. I learned how to make them in Germany from a German sister. We could study the Book of Mormon. Maybe read a chapter and discuss what we can learn from it. Something easy that doesn't put more pressure on anyone.

I am so open to ideas!!!!!! Let me know!

Have a wonderful day...a delightful week!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This Sunday will be the monthly "Linger Longer"!
It is held the third Sunday of each month except December. We actually have a Ward Christmas Party early in the month in December.
So bring enough to feed your family and some hungry Missionaries. That way there will be enough for all. There isn't enough oven space for reheating everything so bring something in a crock pot or something that doesn't have to be reheated. Sis. Ruthie Wade is always helping in the kitchen warming the food and getting everything ready and then cleaning up. Give her a big hug and thanks for all that she does to make it such a success! And thanks too to all the others who so willingly stay behind and help. Sometimes we are still there cleaning after 2pm or so.
I know I haven't been there the past two times. Yes, I skipped out! I really had good reasons however! I will be there this month!
Remember to clean up your own pots, pans etc [just take them home dirty]. You will have one thing to wash and the kitchen workers will not have so much to do. It is such a help if you do that. Do I sound like a cross woman or what? Sorry! I do not mean to be! I am looking out for Ruthie! She never complains! It isn't even her calling and she does it anyway! She is a much better woman than I am! I love Ruthie! I love all of you! We are truly a blessed ward with so many wonderful loving sisters as you all are!
Again...please forgive any typos or gentle on me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

It 's Monday! started in Long Beach today and will start in Gulfport on Wednesday! The summer seemed so very short for me this year. And now that my husband has retired for the second time I am adjusting to having him home everyday. So far so good! It is a good thing I like him and he can cope with me.
We had a very wonderful lesson in RS Sunday. The lesson was the second on the Priesthood.
I do apprecaite the excitment and honor of the Priesthood our teacher brought to the lesson.
It is good to be reminded how blessed we are to have the Priesthood in our lives. I am an old Grandma now, however I am so thrilled when my grandson Conner has the opportunity to pass the sacrament to me in Sacrament meeting. I think I am more touched than when my own sons were at that age.
We thank Kristal Zanhiser for blessing us with her willingness to teach Sunday. She just reciently moved into out Ward along with her roommate Liz Brackney. We have been so blessed with so many wonderful new sisters and families in our ward in the past two months. We welcome all of you.
I hope I can name all the new families who have moved in since June...
The Navy Wives....Chelsey Crew, Brandy Stubbs, Jaime Connor, Sis. Medina and a new family who arrived Sunday. I didn't ahve a chance to meet them...I think the Bishop said their name was Irving. I am not sure. We will know next week. Other new move ins....Kellie Griggs, Marjorie Anderson, Alice Barkum, Jalyn Wade, Samantha Houck. Plus our newest Baptized Sis. Elena Deschamps. Our Ward sure is growing! We are so happy to have you in our ward and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your stay here a little more pleasant. I wish I could change the weather...but it is out of my hands!
Next Sunday Sis. Jalyn Wade will be teaching the lesson in RS. It is Chapter 15....The Lord's Covenant People.
Sis. Sue Grimes is still not well. Please keep her in your prayers!
Please remember to get out there and get your VT done. If you lost your list or didn't get one some me 831-8128 or Contact sis. Pat Head. We will get it to you as soon as possible!
We love you all!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thanks to all who helped with food for Sis. Blackstocks funeral. Everything was wonderful.The service was very uplifting. She was such a delightful lady. We will miss her very much!

This Sunday our lesson in RS will be taught by Chrystal Zanhiser. She is a wonderful teacher. The lesson will be from chapter 14.
If you have time to read it before hand it will make it all the better for you!

Our next Relief Society Tuesday night meeting will be August 23rd. Sis. Melanie Wade has some cute little scrap booking things to do. Not into Scrapbooking, well.....bring something you need to finish....or come to visit and enjoy one another's company. We will have light refreshments.

I was at the church today and they put up some beautiful new pictures!
It makes everything more beautiful than ever.

See you Sunday!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sis. Blackstock died this morning around four. She was surounded by her family. There will be a memorial service Wednesday. I am not sure of the time but will post it when I find out.
If you would be willing to provide food for the family after the service please contact me...Toni at 831-8128. Thank you!