Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank you to all the wonderful Brothers and Sisters who provided food for the Waits family today! You all were so wonderful and generous. Thank you so very much.
The service was very sweet and loving. Sis. Baker sang "O My Father" and it was so touching. I think everyone cried. Adam Waits and his children made little "Lady Bug" pins for the family to wear. Sis. Bev loved Lady Bugs. It was very delightful.
I am always touched by how kind and generous the members of our Ward are. Thank you!
Remember tomorrow Conference begins at 11 on your TV at home or at the church.
The sessons on Saturday and Sunday or 11 and 3 and on Saturday night at 7pm for the Priesthood.
I should have a social at my house for all the ladies tomorrow night....if only I were prepared for such a thing I would do it. I would have to finish cleaning from the family visits we have had lately and I have been lazy this week and haven't gotten it all done. Who would really care....probably only me!
I told my husband I am so excited to be able to sleep in late on Sunday and then I remembered he retired and we can sleep in late every day now. He still wakes up at five and me at six. I do find myself staying in my pj's all morning now. I suppose this is one of the perks of older age!!!!
I do encourage you all to watch Conference and listen to the words. How blessed we are to have a living Prophet to lead and guide us. The RS broadcast was so heavenly last Saturday night.
I hope you find a way to read it or see it as soon as you can if you were unable to do so Saturday.
This months Ensign is all about The beautiful! I think wwe need to plan another temple trip soon! Let me know if you are interested!


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