Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Canference was so wonderful this weekend. I enjoyed the wonderful talks and the wonderful feeling of love and peace I felt.
President Monson's talk on Graditude and his saying there is a lot of good in the world was so uplifting to me. It kept me up thinking about it!
We are so bombarded with negativity lately....global warming, divorce rate, home forclosures, jobs lost etc. I read that one in four homes was going into forclosure....that means 3 out of 4 are not. Unemployment is 10 percent....but that means 90 percent are working. Divorce is 50 percent and that is ever so sad but that still means 50 percent are staying married. What happened along the way to make us, as a people, so negative in life?
One of the Prophets said...we should be some of the happiest people in the world...we have so much. Yet, it does seem we forget to look on the brighter side of things.
I am commiting myself to improve...I hope you will too!
Next Sunday Sis. Griggs will be teaching the lesson in Relief Society....Lesson 18...Faith in Jesus Christ. I hope you will try to find time to read it in advance of Sunday. We all need to builf our Faith. Maybe we will become more positive and uplifted!


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