Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's Thursday already! This has been such a busy week for me and I am sure for many of you!
Some changes in the dates of the Relief Society Activities....
The Saturday meeting scheduled for this Saturday has been Cancelled.
The Upcoming events are....
Tuesday Night PMS night at 6:30pm [Popcorn, Movie and Socializing]
Saturday Nov. 20 at 9:30am Relief Society Super Saturday Event
December 11th at 5pm, Ward Christmas Party...Santa will be there!
Sunday we welcomed Sis.Jackie McDaniel as our newest teacher and she did a fabulous job teaching. We really apprecaite her accepting the call to teach in RS.
Next Sunday Sis. Ware will be teaching. The lesson will be taken from the talk by President Eyring entitled "Help Them On Their Way Home". I know she will present a great lesson.
Sis. Brakum is home and doing well. She is grateful for all your prayers and calls! Thank you!
Sis. Oakerson is still in Florida with her daughter Laura. She still needs our prayers and she said to tell you all she sends her love! She is even making arraingements to have her VT completed while she is away! What A woman!!!
Remember the month is almost over...try to get out and complete your VT. Calls and letters are just as important. Thank you all so very much for being dedicated to your church responsibilities! You are the best!
If you are interested in blessing the lives of the Primary children at the Ward Social...we are still in need of some sisters or brothers to decorate one of the doors in church and pass out candy to the children. If you are interested please contact me or Sis. Follett!
See you Sunday!!!! forgive my mistakes....I am in a hurry today!!!!


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