Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A wonderful Tuesday Morning to all of you!
Sis. Alice Barkum is still in the Hospital as of last night. She in Room 433 at Memorial Hospital. The phone number to her room is 867-4433. She loves to hear from everyone!!!!
Sis. Oakerson is still in Florida. Her daughter Laura is battling Cancer. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. Bro. Oakerson said the doctors say Laura has 6 to 9 months to live unless a miracle happens. Lets pray for a good outcome if it be the Lords will. Laura Oakerson Benjamin and her husband have one daughter.
Many of our sisters have some serious trial lately. Please be gentle and kind to your friends and neighbors....we never know what could be happening in their lives.
I want to thank Sis. Kellie Griggs for a most delightful lesson Sunday on "Faith in Christ".
She taught such a very spiritual and uplifting lesson. Sis. Griggs' lesson really brightened my day and made me appreciate my own feelings of Faith and want to strengthen them. Thank you Kellie!
Next week we will have a new teacher in Relief Society. Of Course, we all know Sis. Jackie McDaniel. She is our newest teacher and will teach every other month on the third Sunday of the Month. Next Sunday's lesson is #19 Repentance. Hopefully you will be able to read it in advance. For some reason it enhances our learning process if we are prepared in advance. Prepardness blesses us in many aspects of our life....Spiritually, Physically and Emotionally.
How much easier is it to face life and all it brings if we feel the confidence of knowing we are as prepared as we possibly can be!
I am sending happy wonderful thoughts to all of you this week!!!!


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