Thursday, January 6, 2011 is already the 6th Day of January....
Time is flying by.
I printed up a new VT list for everyone and passed many out on Sunday....however, I have many more to pass out. If you need yours before the 16th of January and didn't get it this past Sunday....please let me know and I will get it in the mail to you as soon as you contact me or I could give it to you Sunday at Stake Conference. Let me know! Thank you very much!!!! If you didn't get the newsletter Sunday...I can email it over to you as an attachment. Let me know and I will do it.
We had two new families move in last week...the Farmer Family who live on the CB base and the Brash Family who live in the off base houseing off of County Farm Road. So keep a look out for them and give them a friendly welcome.
Sis. Ila Shrum is going to the Temple for the first time on Wednesday January 19th! She and her husband are going together. I will even get to go. I am so happy for them.
Don't forget about Stake Conference.....Saturday Priesthood Session 4pm, 6pm Dinner for those atttending the adult session and 7pm the Adult session begins. Sunday meeting is from 10am until 12 noon. See you all there!
Please forgive my trying arm still hurts when I type....i guess it is as good an excuse as any!


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