Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Morning Everyone!!! It is a beautiful Thursday...cold but sunny and delightful!
Just a gentle reminder that this Sunday is Linger Longer after church. So bring some food to share and stay and visit a while!
I read this quote by Lucille Ball......
"One of the things I learned the hard way is that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."
Some of you younger sisters may not remember that even though she was famous she had many trials in her life. And because she was famous everyone knew about them. She couldn't hide away from the pains she must of endured. So...I like this quote. It was something she really tried to live.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and find many reasons to smile today!
Sister Griggs will be teaching this Sunday and the lesson is Gospel Principles # 24....The Sabbath Day. Hopefully you will be able to find a moment to read the lesson. It seems to me to make the lesson even more wonderful because it gives us time to ponder on the message and remember experiences that strengthen our testimonies on the subject.
I want to thank Sis. Griggs for teaching Sunday and also for making the blog look so beautiful!
On Sunday Jan. 23rd Sis. Butler will be our teacher[lesson 25] and on Sunday Jan. 30th Sis. Ware will be our teacher. She will be teaching from the the November 2010 Ensign Talk given by President Monson, "Charity Never Faileth."
Have a geat day and keep warm!!!! It sure feels cold out there!!!!


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