Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Monday to all of you!!!
I hope you are all doing well today!
For those of you who were not at church Sunday Jan. 16th. The Relief Society Presidency was changed. And we are now very blessed to have a wonderful new Presidency.....
Sis. Regina Leslie as President, Sis. Debra Albert as 1 st Counselor and Sis. Yuko James as 2nd Counselor. The new Secretary will be announced next Sunday. They are special sisters and most of you already know and love them. For the newer members .... you will love them because they are the best.
I just want to thank all of you for being such a wonderful support to us old ones the past five years. You have truly blessed our lives. I am so grateful for Beth who endured working with me for all the five years. She was my greatest support. I want to thank Jaime who came in the last few months...she is a delightful talented lady. And to dear Sonjih who has ben a wonderful secretary and so great with all the wonderful newsletters. I thank all those who served in the past. In my eyes we were all Presidents...I just lucked out giving the talk. They worked every bit as hard...we were a team! I love them all so very much. However, we are only as good as the sisters we work with....Relief Soceity Extra meeting persons, Food Chairman, Music persons, Teachers and Visiting Teachers and all of you. You made our calllings wonderful and exciting and delightful.
I do not know how we are going to convert this over to Sis. Leslie....I am not good with computers! However, we have wonderful Sis. Kelli Griggs looking into it. She makes it look good and wonderful. She will be missed in RS but will be well loved in the Young Womens!!!
So to all of you a fairwell on this little blog...I will be around somewhere...taking life easy!
Thanks again to wonderful you and that means YOU...whoever you are reading this!!!!


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