Thursday, July 29, 2010

Okay, I am going to try this again! I hope to start adding something each week!
This Saturday we will have a Relief Society Saturday Meeting at 9:30until 11am.
Bro. Willson will be in the nursery! Thank you sweet Husband!
We are going to learn to make Strawberry Jam with Sis. Marci Christensen, Bread with Sis. Paula Van Camp and we will be shaking our little jars and make some butter to spread on our bread and jam!
It should be a fun morning. Hope you can attend. Also, we will have s a display table of things sisters have we can see all your talents! After all we are all so talented!!!! Maybe not crafting days seem to be over for now! I cannot get myself to do any! However, I love seeing all the items others make. You may give some inspiration or something!
Sis. Blackstock and her family are certainly in need of prayers! Bro. Blackstock says she is home now. Things are not looking good and she will be with us just a month or so. He says he doesn't need anything. But I am sure letters and maybe phone calls will be appreciated. Maybe even some food...if you make something extra and want to share!
Thanks to all the sisters who have helped with food for the many situations we have had in our ward lately. We sure do wish the Waits family our love! We miss Everett Waits so much. Also, Sis. Jackson's father passed on a few weeks ago. We wish all of you our love and support!
We have had a few new babies lately...Regena Hinds had a baby girl a few months ago. Krisi York had a baby girl a month or so ago. Chelsea Paystrup had a baby boy last week. Katrina Herbert had a baby girl also about three weeks ago. Sis. Rugg may be having her little Son this Friday! We are thrilled for all of them.
Wednesday Sis. Katrina Herberts 5 year old daughter had an operation to fix the hole in her heart. She is doing well and will probably be home today. The miracles of life!
Have a wonderful week! See you Saturday or Sunday!
Please forgive me if I have missed anything in this news that I should of shared and forgive my typing problems!


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