Monday, February 15, 2010

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day!
We had a wonderful lesson in RS yesterday. And we have a wonderful RS week night activity coming Feb. 23rd at 6:30pm. It will be a night about Temples and preparing for the Temple.
Sis. Melanie Wade will do a demonstration on making Fabric Temple Bags and will pass out a pattern so you can make one too. We do have sewing machines in the RS closet that can be checked out on a weekly basis if needed. Plus we have many sisters in the ward who are willing to give a helping hand to those who need some sewing tips. We will have a class on getting names ready for baptism and a little plastic cover to protect your Temple recommend if you want to do that. And possibly a class on making a new Temple clothes Packet...if anyone is interested. Please let me know. We encourage all of you to get your Temple recommends and join us that day!
The youth are having a Temple Trip planned for May 15th at 9 am. We can have names ready for them to Baptize for us. Sisters who want to can do Baptisms for the dead with the youth. This a Ward Temple trip also. Please let me know if you will be needing a ride in May.
Bro. And Sis. Herrin's baby was born last Monday and is being operated on this morning. He has a birth defect in his heart. Please keep them in your prayers.
Sis. Dodge and Sis. Grimes are still ill and need our good thoughts and prayers. Please remember them in your prayers.
Have a great week! We love all of you!


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