Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It is February 2nd....I wish I could find someone who would be willing to take over this on a weekly basis. If you are interested please let me know and I will get you all set up.
Sis. Grimes is now in the Lake View Nursing home for about 5 more weeks or so. She has had some health issues lately. She is improving. I am sure she would love to have a visit when you have time.
Bro. Scott is in the old Garden Park Hospital behind Memorial. I do not know what it is called. Sis. Scott stays there with him all the time and needs some relief. IF you could encourage your husbands to stop by sometimes for an hour or so or if you want to she would be so appreciative.
If you let her know in advance she will be able to get home for a shower or a change of clothes or a little time out.
This Sunday February 7th Susan Soule will be teaching on the subject of Temples. We are planning a temple trip in May on the same day as the youth trip. So get yourselves and your Temple recommends in order and join us.
We are so blessed to have some new families move into our ward this past week. Look for new faces Sunday and welcome them in....The Davis Family and the Manley Family. We are very happy to welcome them into the ward.
We had a wonderful Relief Society Week Night meeting in Jan. We had about 24 in attendance! Hurray!!!! Sis. Perrins taught a beautiful lesson on the dreaded "Stress"! It was great and fun and I learned a lot...and I am an old woman so just think if you were young what you could have learned had you been there. Our Next meeting is February 23rd....Tuesday night. It will be an exciting time for all of us. I am making a yummy cream cake for dessert...so I hope you will be there to enjoy it!
Have a wonderful week! Plase get your VT done early as this month is goes by quicker than most!!!!


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