Saturday, March 5, 2011

First week of March

This week we were lucky to have Brother Wade talk to us about gardening. It was such a great activity and we are so grateful to him for coming to share his knowledge and experience with us. Hopefully this will inspire us to create a garden of our own and then we can have a canning class to help us to preserve all of the yummy fruits and veggies we have grown and nurtured ourselves.
On the Provident Living website it says:
Planting a garden, even a small one, allows for a greater degree of self-reliance. With the right information and a little practice, individuals and entire families can enjoy the many benefits of planting and tending a garden.
Being prepared is so important! In D&C 38:30 it says "but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear." I hope everyone will come to the Stake RS activity this month on the 24th at 6:00 p.m. and listen to Sister Wendy Dewitt. She has so much practical knowledge about food storage, that I know she can help us all to feel like it is something that we can do and it is something that we can enjoy.
Also, this month is our RS Birthday party. We will be having a hat party and talent show, so mark your calendars for the 22nd at 6:30 p.m. and come eat cake with us!


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