Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Annual Fall Festival is today at 3pm-5pm at the church. It is also the Chili Cook-off.
So, if you are making chili for the contest you better get it started. The YM/YW will be helping out with the booths for the younger children. Should be a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is Fast Sunday and also the day to turn your clocks back one hour. We will have an extra hour to get our selves and family ready for church. I always love the extra hour! Actually sometimes I think it is harder because I goof off too much and then I am almost late.

I will be teaching in RS tomorrow. We will be discussing the talk by Sis. Beck from the Womens Conference.

We will be having a Ward Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving day from 2 to 4 pm.

Also, there is a Relief Society Week night Meeting on the 10th of November at 6:30 pm. It is a night of service. Actually, we ask that you do service up until that night and we will fill up a jar or jars with candy for every act of service performed by then. The service can be as simple as smiling at someone who seems to need a smile or something more. It is up to you what you do.
Last year on President Monson's Birthday he asked all to do a service for someone rather than something for him. So in that feeling of giving at this season of Thanksgiving, and since we have so much, we can share and do something to help someone....even if it is not yelling at our children when we are tired.
We will put the candy in the jars in private and you alone will judge how much to put it. If it is a one piece service or perhaps one that should rate more...the choice is yours.
We hope to see you there. We will have some light refreshments and we will share some of our feelings etc. It will be a wonderful relaxed evening!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday was a extra wonderful day..the weather beautiful and uplifting. The talks in Sacrament were wonderful as well as the lessons in Sunday School and Relief Society. We want to thank Sis. Peggy Morris for teaching the lesson for us in RS. We learned so much!
Sis. Lisa Waits is the new Sunday School teacher for the adults. Pat Head has been released from that calling after four years as an outstanding teacher. Pat is now our Visiting Teaching Supervisor over all Visiting Teaching. Hurray!!!
We are now in the process of contacting all VT's to find out how your VT is going and if you have any needs or concerns. If you need to talk to me about your VT call me...8312 8128

Sis. Melonie Wade is now in charge of the Relief Society Newsletter. If there is anything you need published in the Newsletter, please contact one of us!

I spoke with Sis. Dodge and she has taken a turn for the worse again and cannot walk. She sounds somewhat upbeat at the moment. It has been around 3 months since she was first taken ill.

Bro. Scott is still in intensive care as of Sunday when we went to see him. He is medicated and mostly sleeping. However his family is near by keeping vigil and praying.

Sis. Hunter's KEMO is on hold as her blood count is not up to where it should be. She is also mostly home bound.

Sis. Grimes is getting better but still has some health issues.

If you can find a moment, a call or short little card to any one of these sisters or families would be so appreciated.

On the bright side of things...Sis. Shaw will have her final surgery on the 6th of November.
Beth Berry's grandson came home from the hospital and he is doing very well.
Sis. Donna Allen had a grandson also. She was able to travel to Las Vegas to be with her daughter and grandchildren We are happy for their bright good news.

Next Sunday [Oct. 25th] our lesson will be from the article by Jffrey R. Holland...intitled....None Were With Him. Sis. Linda Ware will be our guest teacher.
Have a delightfully wonderful week!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Jen Ingram taught the lesson from the Joseph Smith Manual. The lesson was about families....having eternal loving families. Joseph Smith loved his parents and wife and children very much. I hope you will take the time to read over it. Sis. Ingram is a great teacher! The lesson contains many tips and encouragement in making our families more loving and strong.

Sis. Dodge is feeling better!
Sis. Corley's sister died earlier this week. Her brother died earlier this past year.
Sis. Hunter is home in Long Beach now and doing well as she continues her KEMO therapy.
Bro. Mike Scott is still in intensive care at Garden Park hospital.
Please keep all of them in your prayers.

We missed so many of you today. I do not want to say your names but I noticed you were not there and I hope you are doing okay and pray you will be with us next week.

Sis. Berry's little grandson will be born Tuesday morning. She is very excited! We all are.

We are going to have to say good bye to the Chipman family. They are returning to Utah.
They will be missed by all.
Also moving this week is dear Sis. York. As you know her husband died earlier in the year. She is moving to Alabama with her son and his family.

Hope you all have a good week!
Don't forget to get your VT done!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tomorrow...Sunday October the Ward Linger Longer! I am reminding all of you because I forgot myself. Remind all your Visitng Teaching sisters and lets make it a happy day and remember to help with the clean up!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just a quick note....
Bro. Mike Scott is in the ICU. He is stablized and at the moment Frances says things are looking better. Please keep the family in your prayers. He has some type of septic blood desease.

I hope you were all able to watch conference. It was wonderful as usual.

We also had a baptism Saturday between sessions. Sis Angela Polk was baptized by her brother. Her family came into town from Georgia. It was a wonderful and very spiritual baptism. I wish more could have been there. Be sure to welcome her in next Sunday in Relief Society. I miss the good old days where everyone would show up for a baptism!!!! What happened.....are we just so busy or not getting the info out to people enough...maybe a little of both! I knew it was going to happen but didn't know about the time until late the evening before. We need to work on getting the news out etc.

Next sunday the lesson will be #42 from the Joseph Smith Manual. Sis. Ingram will be the teacher. Hope we can find time to read it before hand.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here it is October 1st and I am finally getting around to adding some new exciting words....maybe!
I hurt my arm and couldn't type for a while with out extreme pain...still a little pain but better.
Did much happen this past month...
The Chipmans are moving in a few weeks back to Utah. We will miss them! Who will scream when I come near, if not sweet little Lisle....she has the brightest smile, until I get near!
If you have any boxes please let Danny know. She could use a few.
Also, the Chipmans have been renting the Roys home and now it needs a new renter. If you are looking to rent a home in Long Beach....let Danny Chipman know. The Roys are in Spain right now and really need to get it rented out as soon as possible.
Sis. Penny Koon fell down a few weeks ago and is still suffering. You might want to give her a call or stop by to see her.
Sis. Dodge is very ill and would love phone calls or cards too. She is very slowly recovering.
Sis. Grimes has also been under the weather...she has heart problems and would love calls or letters or visits too.
If there is anyone else out there....let me know.
Beth Berry will be a grandma for the first time Tuesday October 13th....a little boy! Congrats to her and her family.
Sis. Soule had baby Caitland [not sure of spelling] September 19th. She was 9 pounds and 6 ounces. She had some health issues and was in the hospital for almost a week. She is doing well now and we are all thrilled!!!!
This next Weekend...October 3rd and 4th is General Conference. It will be broadcast at church at 11 am and 3 pm. The priesthood session is at 7pm Saturday night. Sunday the times will be 11 and 3. It will be broadcast on TV if you get the BYU station at the same times. The Priesthood session is not broadcast however, so send your men to attend!