Sunday, May 31, 2009

We had a wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. Sis. Margan was about gifts...not spiritual gifts as we might think but in a way gifts of life so freely given to us that bless us daily. She talked about those moments when something clicks into place. It could be something we were praying to understand or know. The answer comes and we know. And forever more that moment touches our lives. It could be a simple moment or a big stays in our minds and souls to nourish us.
I was sitting in the Sacrament Meeting...we sit there so my husband can see who comes in as he is the counter of people. It was a crazy day. Lots of children talking, singing and not listening to their parents etc. I remember those days well! Even thought my children are ages 30 to 40. I do have 18 grandchildren. It is different when you are the Mom. Some days you may wonder why you even came to church. How blessed we are to be in a place with so many wonderful children growing and learning. Some may say it is distracting, maybe it can be. Not to me however, If I really pay attention to the speakers I can hear them even from the back. And I do feel the spirit. I have always loved this church because it is a family church. We are all learning and just trying to do our best! I am a convert so I was impressed the very first time I came because the children were not banished to a cry room. I know some will not agree with me and that is okay because well, it takes us all to make a world and a ward. This is my opinion.
I feel very blessed today.
I am trying to read the scriptures daily...because well I kind of forgot for a while. What a difference it makes in my life. If you need an uplift, give it a try.
I am sure some of you are tired of hearing my just let me know yours and we will get them on here. Have a wonderful week!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I must apoloize for all the typing mistakes I make and ask you to over look them and not laugh at me too much about them. I never did learn to type! I do my best!!!!!!
Sis. Curry told me that there will be some special information on Hurricane Prepardness in the Sunday Newspaper. You may want to get the Sunday paper for that information.
Now is the time to prepare...even thought there are no storms heading our way any time never know. If you prepare now you will feel peace when and if we are blessed with one. It is much more difficult to run to the store for supplies when everyone else is shopping at the same time. Things are quickly sold out. You will for sure need Water, babywipes, disinfecting wipes, bleach, food, none electric can openers, trash bags, cash, canned or dried food and snacks etc. If the power goes out for any length of time you will not be able to shop or buy gas or even get money from the bank. Be sure you have extra medications on hand. We live out in the county and were with out power for three weeks after Katrina. Make arrangements early if you are going out of town as hotels fill up quickly. As much as possible keep your car filled with gas. The gas lines are long when evacuations take place and gas is hard to come by.
If you have any tips to share please let me know.
Toni 831-8128

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just a reminder for the wonderful few who read this..
Saturday is our once yearly Super Saturday. It starts at 10am and ends with lunch at 11:45. There will be a lucheon for the Anderson Family at 1pm. So we will have to eat and run so we can get it set up for the family to eat after the funeral.
Sunday we were supposed to meet with the Priesthood as it is the 5th Sunday...however that has been changed and Sis. Peggy Margan will be teaching. I am sure it will be a wonderful lesson. She is a great teacher. And I really thank her for being so willing at such a last date to prepare a lesson.
We have a few new families in our ward....
The Homers, moved here from Waveland and are planning on going to the temple next month! We are so happy for them.The Hinds Family moved in from Indiana. Bro. Hinds is a CB and this is his first assignment. And the Hanson family. He is aso in the CB's. Sis. Hanson is from California and Bro. Hanson from Utah. If you have a chance, take a moment to say Hi!
We are so happy to have them all in our ward!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sister Louise York is in need of a lift chair. Does anyone know of somewhere to get one at a good price? Contact me and I will pass the info on to her!
As many of you know Robert Anderson died last Saturday night. His funeral will be Saturday, May 30th.
The viewing will be from 9 to 11am with a service at 11:30am. It will be in the
Bradford O'Keefe funeral home on O'Neal Rd.
If you would like to help with food to feed the family please contact Sis. Carol Curry.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Hunt family have a lovely home for sale or rent...three bedrooms, two baths and a fenced in back yard. They are in the Navy and being transfered in June. Tell your friends! It is a lovely home. It is in a great location too...just five miles or so from church.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The free concert for Saturday night has been changed to Monday night do to the expected rain...same time and place. At least that is what I heard on the news tonight.

Sis. Penny K. is home now and doing much better,
Sis. Patricia Eagan is in the Drift Wood Nursing home. She would love to have visitors.
Sis. Astrid Hunter is recovering from knee surgery.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sis. Marsha Shaw said there is a FREE concert at Jones Park in Gulfport this Saturday night...May 23rd. There will be a Chorale Concert at 6:30pm and a Symphony Concert at 7:30pm followed by fireworks over the water.
It is suggested you bring your own picnic, blanket and chairs and get there early. She said she went to a recent concert at SMU campus and it was wonderful.
The price is Right!!! Who can beat Free!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Are there any play groups going on right now? Let me know so I can get the word out.

Just a reminder that this Sunday our lesson will be "The Way" by Lawrence E. Corbridge

At our Stake RS Training meeting we were encouraged to complete the Personal Progress experiences and project for the new value "Virtue". Agreat idea.....I haven't seen it yet but I was told you can go online and get a copy. I will try to do that and have some ready for Sunday. We can be young women again! Most of you are still young..oh well.

Don't forget about Enrichment Meeting Saturday the 30th at 10am. We will have lunch too. If you need more info let me know.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I hope this will be an opportunity for all of us to share ideas and opportunities.
If you know of something on sale, or of a job opening. Maybe you need a babysitter or want to babysit...
If you ahve somehting to give away or share or if you ahve some type of need...hopefuly this will be the place to share it.