Friday, December 31, 2010

Greetings and Happy New Year Eve!!!
One of the sisters in our Ward had her baby boy 5 weeks early and are with out a crib. Does anyone have a crib to donate or sell inexpensively. Could you let me know and I will let them know. This is her first baby and finances are a little tight for them at this time. They are set with most every thing else...they were saving for the crib.
Thank you!!!!

Also...I have a sewing machine that sometimes works and sometimes messes up. I think it needs some type of adjustment or something. So if you can work on a sewing machine and think you could repair it.....let me is free to the first person who contacts me.

Happy New Year!!!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I hope everyone had a most wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be the best ever.
I read a quote today by Ralph Waldo Emerson that says "Write in your hearts that everyday is the best day of the year." I hope I can do that as the new year begins. I am sure going to give it a try. There are little miracles around us all the time.
Thank you to those sisters who donated so much to the little boy whose Mother didn't have money to buy Christmas presents. You are all wonderful and thanks the Visiting Teacher who delivered the gifts and brought it to our attention!
Sis. Head and I will be working on the Visiting Teaching and making changes as needed. Please email me or call me if you need changes with your VT route or if there are problems getting together with your companion etc. Email and phone number is 228 831 8128. Or if you are reading this and your are not a VT and want to be one...let me know. Also...if you are not being visitied by your VT's and are wondering who they are....I can make changes. Pat and I prayerfully make assignments to the best of our abilities but sometimes things just do not work out. It is okay because we are fine about making things better for all of you.
I also read this quote yesterday....."Snow flakes are one of Nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." We as sisters are all fragile in our testimonies and in our lives in many ways. We need each other to strenthen each other. We need to stick together. I love you all!
Happy New year! May it shine bright and wonderful for all of us!!! It is so wonderful that each hour, day and week and year can be a new beginning for us. We are truly blessed!!!!
Forgive me for missing the past two RS meetings. I fell down and hurt my shoulder and cannot sit too long with out great pain plus the medicine I am taking makes me very sleepy. I am better and I hope to be there for all threee hours Sunday!!! Happy Day to all!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just in from a Faithful Visiting Teacher...we have a single sister in our ward who has been working more than one job to support her family. She is worried because she doesn't have much of anything for her very active adorable son for Christmas. He is about four years old. I would say he wears a size 4 or 5 or so. If you have some mostly new or new clothes or toys for an active four year old boy please let me know.
Thank you in advance. His name wasn't on the Angel tree because we didn't know there was a need. I am so thankful for wonderful Visiting Teachers who get their VT done and become such good friends that they can spot a need when there is one.
Thank you again!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I want to thank you all for bringing your gifts yesterday. We were missing about 8 gifts but somehow we had enough for all but one litle girl. And my husband had ordered something to have at our home when the Granddaughters come and we are going to donate that and all will be well. I felt a true Christmas miracle happened last I was getting them ready and gave them over to the youth to wrap the gifts seemed to be more than we started with. It was a strange thing. I cannot explain it. I was amazed. Misssing gifts....yet all children had a gift....but one.....and we have the perfect thing at our home. Miracles do happen or else those YM/YW were really Christmas elves at work!!!!
Remember the Party at my home Friday....hope to see you there.
Thanks again for your kindness and support!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just a gentle reminder that gifts for the Angel tree are due in by 6:30 tonight at the Church. If you cannot get it there please contact me and if you are close I wil try to pick it up or have someone else near by do it...or even meet you somewhere. Call me...Toni at 831-8128. You can leave a message if I am not home and I will call you back. Thank's to all the wonderful families who have helped in this!
We have had so many wonderful Baptism's lately and we wish congratulations to all of them....Maribel and Heather are the newest members in RS. Welcome! We also have a new YW as well as a few young men in Primary who turned 8. Welcome to all!
Sunday was a wonderful day at church...all the lessons were wonderful and uplifting as well as the Christmas program in our Sacrament meeting.
This Friday the Annual RS party is at my home at 21077 Robinson Rd. Call if you need directions. My phone number is listed above. Also, if you are planning on coming please let me know if you get a chance, email, or reply to this message. If you do not have time to reply come anyway...I am just trying to get a head count of some type to be sure I have enough refreshments. Only respond if you are coming...thanks...
email address,!!!
I hope to see many of you Friday night!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Seems we have a change in the Baptism for will be at 12 noon and not 1pm. I think I have faulty ears or I am getting the messages wrong.
Thanks to those who came to the Baptism for Heather last night. It was wonderful and she will be a great member. Her sweet parents were also able to attend.
I remember when I first joined the church so many members use to come to the Baptism' was such a big exciting adventure. Sometimes it saddens me that our lives are so busy we cannot find the time to attend. It is such a beautiful faith promoting experince. Brings back and renew's those wonerful spiritual feelings of our own Baptism's. Truly a blessing to attend and a wonderful support to those coming into the church.
Remember this bog is for you...any comments, needs, good news, something for sale, babysitters needed etc. Let me know and I will post it!
See you Saturday at the Primary Activity, Choir practive, Baptism or Ward Christmas Social!!!
Have a happy Friday!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It is Thursday and as you have probably heard there is a Baptism tonight at 5:30pm. Sure hope you can be there. There is also a Baptism on Saturday at 1pm. So wonderful!!!
This Saturday at 9am will be the Primary Breakfast until 11. Also Choir practice at 9am....the baptism at 1 and the Ward Christmas party at 5pm. Saturday is a very busy day for many of us!
The Relief Society is in charge of the food for the Ward Christmas Party. I could sure use some help right before....getting the food on the food tables and afterwards cleaning the kitchen. Any help you can give will be appreciated. Many hands make quick work! Is that the saying...cannot remember but sounds right to me?! I am thanking you in advance!!!
Sunday in Relief Society Sis. Kellie Griggs will be teaching us! She is a great teacher and a delightful person. She also keeps this Blog page looking so cute and fun!
On a very sad note....Sis. Astrid Hunter is in the Select Care Facility in the old Garden Park building. She is not doing well. She is in room 203. The cancer has spread it seems. Keep her and her family in your prayers!
Also....Bro. Oakerson and Bro. Capps father's passed on last past week.
Give them a smile when you see them and keep them in your prayers.
I want you to know that I love all of you so very much and am indeed thankful for all the love and support you freely give to so many. It is such a testimony builder! you know we still have some names on the Angel tree....please if you can, chose a tag from the tree and purchase a gift for that person. We would be so thankful. Return the gift with the tag attached. We will do the wrapping for you. It is as easy as that. Don't forget to attach the tag as a few gifts have been turned in without a tag and we are unsure who the gift is for. If you dropped one off and didn't put the tag on please contact Bro. Willson.
Happy Week....hopefully we will all enjoy the beautiful sunshine outside. It is cold but beautiful!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanks again to wonderful Sis. Griggs for making the blog page look so beautiful and festive! She is the best!!!
Thanks also to Sis. Linda Ware for her imformative lesson last Sunday. We do sometimes judge others too quickly with out knowing the full story. I loved learning more about Martha and Mary. Sometimes I am more Martha than Mary so it was great to hear that she do was doing what she felt was best to show her love for Christ.
Next Sunday I will be teaching! I hope you will still want to attend Relief Society!
The Ward Christmas Party is going to be Saturday December 11th at 5pm until 7pm. Santa will be there. It will be a pot luck dinner. The ward will provide Turkey and Ham. Bring something wonderful to eat and your family and or friends and come for a fun time. If you haven't signed the food list...don't worry...bring what you can and come join in fellowshipping with your friends.
On Friday the 17th is the annual RS party for all sisters who want to come. It begins at 6:30 pm at my home....21077 Robinson Rd. My house is located on the south side corner of Robinson and County Farm Road. We are almost exactly four miles north if you take Exit 28 off of I 10. Turn off of County Farm onto Robinson Rd. and keep those wheels turning right into my driveway. If you want to bring some type of finger food to share you may....if you do not want to do not worry. Come in comfortable clothes. It will be a relaxed evening of talking and sharing and lots of laughing...we hope!!
Do not forget to check out the Angel Tree in the foyer of the Church. We have 39 names on there this year. If you can get a gift for someone on the list they need to be turned in by December 15th so they can be wrapped and packaged and delivered to the homes. Turn them in to a member of YW or RS Presidency or Bro. Willson in the clerks office. Thank you so very much for your kindness and willingness to share!
Also...the ward Choir is singing on Sunday December 12th in Sacrament Meeting. Please come join us. We need you to sing. You will be blessed!!!!
Let me know if we any of you have any info you would like me to put on the blog. I will get the word out for you!
Sis. Grimes was in Church Sunday! She is feeling better! Also Sis. Alice Brakum was there too. Your prayers are certainly working. Thank you! Sis. Louise Whitehead is still very ill and is now in Memorial Hospital. She and her family need lots of prayers and love!!! Thanks to all of you!!!!!