Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I have been very neglectful of this "blog" lately. Lots of craziness in my life!
The only announcement that I really know of is the Primary Activity on Saturday at 8:30 am. There will be breakfast after the children have their activity. Contact a member of the Primary Presidency for more info!
Sis. Charlotte Saucier is not doing well. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and thoughts.
Sis. Dodge is still ill and needs prayers too. She has been battling some serious infections. Give her a call if you have time and let her know you are thinking of her.
Youth Conference is coming up July 9th-11th. It is for youth 14 through 18.
Linger longer will be July 12 after church. The theme this month is "Salads"! Should be delicious.
The next RS sponsored canning day is in early September. It is limited to ten to twelve families and food orders need to be in by the first week of August. If you are interested in canning for food storage contact sis. Perrins at church to place your order. The money is due on the day of the canning.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July holiday! I am so grateful to live in this wonderful US of America. We lived overseas for six years and it was a wonderful experience but there is just something about this wonderful country. Get out and enjoy!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sis. Branda Roy had a baby boy Monday named Nathan Issac. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches. She is doing great.
Great to share wonderful news!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sis. Debbie Albert has a cute little house for rent. The price is $900. dollars a month including the washer and dryer and all utilities. No children however. If you are interested give her a call or call me and I will get you in touch with her. Thanks!
Hope you are all able to keep cool in this crazy heat!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bro. and Sis. Head have a niece who is stationed in Iraq. She has asked for some prayers on her behalf. Her name is Marci Head.
Our June VT message talks about the prayers of rightous woman and how much more we would all be blessed if all sisters prayed each day. Lets pray for her and all our military men and woman serving to protect us and our freedoms all over the world. I am indeed grateful for their service and dedication. We are truly blessed by their efforts each and every day!
I think it is posssible to have a prayer in our hearts at all times. When someones name crosses our minds take that tiny moment and ask our Heavenly Father to bless and watch over them!
We will all be blessed!

Friday, June 19, 2009

This Sunday is the Sunday the Bishop would like to see everyone attend Sacrament if possible. He has set a goal of 300 hundred in attendance....so please come. There will be great speakers and the primary will sing two songs. I know it will be a wonderful day.
July 4th the Primary is planning an activity at 8:30am. The children can bring bikes or scooters or whatever and papade around. Breakfast will be served after the parade. Contact a memeber of the Primary for more info.
See you Sunday!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sis. Pattie Eagan passed away early Sunday morning. She was a member of our ward. She had a wonderful Visiting Teacher who visited with her and loved her. I am grateful to Sis. Dodge. I am ashamed to say I knew she was ill and was always going to visit her and yet I did not. I had made arraingements to go today last week, but it is now too late. I would encourage all of us to listen to the spirit that speaks to us and not put off the things we know we should do. I should have gone sooner. I missed out on that opportunity to visit a dear sister. Now it is too late.
Sis. Dodge has been ill and still she always get her VT done. What an example she is to all of us.
I am thankful to all of you wonderful sisters who faithfully fufill your calling as VT's or whatever it may be. You are such wonderful examples to me. I hope to do better!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just want to remind you all that Sunday is the Linger Longer Pot Luck Social right after church. The theme is "Dad's Favorites". So bring something Dad will like.

Please remember that all of it has to be cleaned up. Take you dish home dirty. It is only one for you to wash but for the kitchen help it is a lot to wash. The same sisters end up in the kitchen each month. Your help would be so appreciated. We love Sis. Ruthie Wade...she really works hard to prepare the food to go out and lots of washing and cleaning of the kitchen. We truly appreciate your bringing the food so we can all have a wonderful time. We are all in this together! Also if you are missing dishes or pans from past linger longers or from providing food for families...look in the kitchen and take home your things.

We also love the Priesthood holders who help put up the tables and take them down and vacuum etc. We do have a great ward but we could do a little better in the clean up department!

Remember this is the Lord's house. I wonder what he feels like when we leave all our messes all over the church. How would we feel if someone came to our homes and ate on our sofa's and left trash laying on the floor etc. We would probably be a little upset. Need I say more?!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday in Relief Society we welcomed three wonderful Young Women....Megan Hutchinson, Jennifer Flier and Starry Smith. I have always been impressed by these newest members of Relief Society. They are wonderful friends to each other, they are smart and kind and caring.
All three will be attending college here. They will be a great blessing to our Relief Society.

Saturday Samantha Anderson Houck had a beautiful girl named Emma. Samantha now lives in the Biloxi ward. We wish her the best! Samantha is the daughter of Sonijh and Sam Anderson.

Sunday, June 14th will be the Ward Linger Longer Pot Luck after church. Please bring a enough food to feed your family and to share. The theme this month is "Dad's Favorites".

June 21st is Fathers Day! The Bishop wants to encourage us to attend that day. He would like to have 300 in attendance if possible. So invite your friends and especially your family and less active members to come that day and really every Sunday. I know one of our speakers will be Sis. Oatman. She is a great speaker. The primary children will be singing as well. And of course we will have a small treat for our fathers.

Have a wonderful week! Also if someone has a small business they would like me to mention..
let me know. I know that Sis. Roberts sells Pampered Chef products, Krisi Curry York has a vinyl letter cutting machine and has good prices. Sis. Debbie Albert has a small company that will do errands for you. Let me know of others and I will post them.

This is Sis. April Hunts last week in our Ward. We will miss her and her delightful family.
We wish them the best in their new assignment in Virginia.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some of you may remember Derek Kim. He is the son of Sis. Richardelle. He is in the MTC now. He is going to Canada..Korean speaking mission. However this is is address if you want to write to him at the MTC...
Elder Derek Kim
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793

He is a wonderful young man and I am sure he will be thrilled to hear from everyone.

This Sunday will be fast Sunday. And the following one...June 14th will be the Linger Longer Pot Luck after church.
Have a great day!