Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hidden Treasures

Sometimes when you are cleaning out your drawers, you come across something you've kept for a long time, but forgotten about. I have been packing up my things to move to a different house and I had one of these experiences. I found a handout I got from church. I don't remember which ward (there have been more than a few) and I don't know how long it had been hiding there, carried around from duty station to duty station, but when I read it, I knew why I had kept it. I want to share it with all of you. It is a lesson to me about what is important.

Essential- To Receive the Blessings of Eternity
Personal Revelation
Daily Scripture Study
Time to Ponder and Fast
Make and Keep Covenants
Love One Another

Necessary- To Become Self-Reliant and of Service
Marriage and Family Relations
Homemaking Skills
Provident Living-Self Reliance
(Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social)
Compassionate Service
Temple and Family History
Church Service

Nice to Do- To add Variety to Life, but these won't save us
Crafts and Hobbies
Recreational Reading
Outings with Friends
Blogging and Recreational Computer Use

Hope it helped you as it did me to remember the things that really matter in life.


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