Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today was a delightful day in Relief Society. We had a wonderful lesson given by Sis. Margan from a talk by Richard G. Scott. It was entitled...Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need. Hopefully you will find the time to read it in your May conference magazine or on the internet.
Sis. Hunter will be under going Kemo and is in need of scarves or cute comfortable knit hats to wear to cover her head as her hair falls out. If you have any...please get them to me so I can get them to her. Give me a call at 831-8128 or bring them to me at church. Thanks in advance! You could give her a call to let her know you are thinking about her at 222-1382. This is her cell number. She is staying with her sister in D'Iberville. We could send cards. I will get her address and post it on the blog.
We have many new sisters in Relief Society and we are so happy to have them in our area! We also have many sisters in our area who were not there today. Please contact them and let them know we missed seeing them!
On Tuesday night [July28th] at 6:30 pm there is a baby shower for Melanie Wade and baby Isabella at the Curry home. Everyone is invited!
Hope you had a wonderful day today!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today we have a new baby in the ward!!!! Melonie and Jeff Wade's baby arrived early this afternoon. She was a little early in arriving...about 3 weeks or so. She is 5 pounds and I think 12 ounces. I could have that wrong. They named her Isabella Nicole Wade. I am sure she is just as adorable as the other Wade children. We wish them the best!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sue Grimes is doing well. She sounds strong and healthy and is happy the operation is over with! We are too!

Beth Berry taught a wonderful lesson in RS today. Our Regular teacher was ill at the last minute and in stepped Beth. It was Lesson number 37 on Charity. I hope that all of you will take the time to read it if you haven't as of yet. What a wonderful example the Prophet Joseph was to his followers then as well as now. He worked overtime to help others who were ill...even taking them into his home to care for them. His life was never easy yet he was such a cheerful giver and leader. He would often have fun activities with the members and then together they would do service for others. He turned the work into a fun bonding time for all.
What an example!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sis. Sue Grimes will have an operation tomorrow morning [Friday 17th]. She should get out of the hospital Saturday morning. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers.

Also Sis. Astrid Hunter is moving back into her home in Long Beach next week. She has recovered from her knee replacement only to discover she has cancer. She will be undergoing some treatments. She also needs our prayers and happy thoughts.

I want to thank all of you who helped with food and especially cleaning up for the Ward Linger Longer. It is so grately appreciated. Sis. Ruthie Wade is forever in the kitchen preparing and cleaning. She is so wonderful in doing this. She truly goes the extra mile....please let he know she is appreciated when you see her.

The stake is holding a Pioneer day Activity at McLoud State park in Waveland....July 25th. Just take the I-10 towards New Orleans and take exit 13, head north about a mile or so. The Stake is providing the meat and asks us to bring sides and a pie if you want to be in the pie contest. Check the flyer on the outer doors to the Church building for more info.

See you Sunday!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Linger Longer Sunday after church...Salads is the can bring what ever you want. See you all there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sis. Charlotte Saucier's funeral is Thursday. The viewing is from 10-12 with the funeral service at 12. It will be at the Riemann Funeral Home on Three Rivers Road.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More sad news to report today! Sis. Charlotte Saucier died this morning at 6am. She was home and surrounded by those who loved her so very much. She has been ill for along time and now she is home with our Father in Heaven. She was the dearest woman...always a wonderful example to all. She was the most loving kind mother and friend and wife. She will always have a place in my heart. She was a member of this ward when I joined the church 38 years ago. She was always so kind and welcoming to me. Please keep the family in your thought and prayers today as well as the families of the many who have passed on in the past few months...
Bro. York, Bro. Robert Anderson, Sis. Patricia Eagan, Sis. Diane Bosarge and now dear Sis. Saucier. They will all be missed and are gratedly loved by many!
Thanks to those who prepared food for all of these funerals. It has been so much appreciated.
Nothing could get done with out the love and support and help of the ward members.
Thank you!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I am back from my mini vacation...only to learn of the passing of Diane Bosarge. Her funeral will be Monday. The viewing is 1- 3pm and the funeral 3pm.
Our thoughts and prayers go to all the family.
I am grateful to Beth Berry and Carol Curry for making all the food arraignments.
I want to thank all the sisters for your willingness to make food for the many funerals we have had lately. You are all the best sisters in the world. Thank you all very much!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sis. Charlotte Saucier is probably not going to improve. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. Bro. Saucier and his family have always given 200% of themselves to anyone and everyone. They are a wonderful family. He and Charlotte have been married for 64 years.
When you have a moment let him know you are thinking of them....give him a call or stop by. Charlotte is home now...there is nothing more that can be done accept to make her comfortable. She sleeps pretty much all the time now. Bro. Saucier will especailly need our love at this time. Charlie and Cathy too. Cathy is in the Boyington nursing home. . .if you have time stop by to see her. Bro. And Sis. Hillman often visit her and can tell you the best time to visit etc.
We have many wonderful people in our ward..I am very grateful to them. I am so thankful to them for all they do. I hope you know who you are!
Have a safe and happy 4th!