Saturday, February 18, 2012

Humanitarian Project

For the past few months, our Relief Society has been working on humanitarian projects. The sisters in the ward have been sewing baby quilts and layettes as well as crocheting baby booties among other things. It has been a lot of fun and will be great to see all of the finished products.

Quilt tying station

Crocheting booties

During the month of February, we are continuing to work on the humanitarian projects during our mid week activity which will be held on the 28th at 6:30 p.m. We are putting together hygiene kits, newborn kits, school kits and children's modules. All home projects need to be done by that day. We also need the following items: Combs without sharp handles, adult toothbrushes, 6-8 oz toothpaste (must not expire for at least 13 months), 3.5-5 oz soap bars individually wrapped, bathroom hand towels 15 x 25 inches, single thickness cloth diapers, diaper safety pins, unsharpened pencils, erasers 1x2 inches, blunt nosed scissors, 12 ruler with metric measurements, notebooks 8x10.5 or 8.5x11 inches, colored pencils, soft toys, puppets, dolls, wooden toys, or blocks, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, crayons, pencil boxes, hair items for girls, flip flops, mittens and gloves, bibs, clothing newborn 0-youth 16.

Please come and join us. All are welcome.